What is going on for MK's 45th?

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What is going on for MK's 45th?

So when I got in 2016 this will mark 20 years of me going to Walt Disney World. The very fist time I went I was a baby and don't remember so I count my fist time when I was six and went for my 7th Birthday. They were celebrating the 25th anniversary and the castle with cover in pink frosting! I was a little upset because I wanted to see the "real" castle and I got this cake looking thingy but it was all cool I was just happy to be there!
But I have been checking everywhere and I have yet to hear anything about the 45th! I think we will be missing the hub bub anyways because we are going Mid September and the Anniversary is the 1st of October. But maybe there still will be some special merchandise while we are there? It seems like with a little over a year to go I would have heard something by now. waiting


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MrHub's picture
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No I'm not surprised we have not heard anything yet, like you said it's over a year away still. 45 years may not be that big at all. 50 will be the next big celebration I'm sure.

Joined: 06/02/2015
Posts: 462

The only thing that I have heard is that they won't be doing anything big for the 45th at all just for the 50th. Which I can understand but I was there for AK 15th and they seemed to make a big deal out of that one. I waited in line for like three hours for limited edition pins. lol


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Note to self: Plan Disney vacation for the 50th Anniversary. Fun!


BarbaraB's picture
Joined: 03/13/2014
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So 50th Anniversary in 2021? I only go every 7 years. Last time I went was 2014. 2014+7 =2021 yay clapping yay clapping yay clapping yay clapping yay clapping yay clapping

Now I'm super excited!!!!!


~ Barb ~

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BarbaraB wrote:
So 50th Anniversary in 2021? I only go every 7 years. Last time I went was 2014. 2014+7 =2021 yay clapping yay clapping yay clapping yay clapping yay clapping yay clapping

Now I'm super excited!!!!!

now THAT looks like some perfect math!!! stars


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jw24's picture
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If I recall, I don't think the Magic Kingdom did anything particular for their 40th anniversary a years back. At least not on the scale of what Disneyland is doing for their 60th. But for the Magic Kingdom, surely they'll do something big for the 50th.


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And out there living in the sun, give me one day out there, all I ask is one to hold forever. Out there where they all live unaware, what I'd give, what I'd dare, just to live one day out there."

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45 years has no significance and is not a celebrated milestone in general. Nothing special will happen IMO. It will just be another typical year.

50 is the one to watch for!

The Watchmaker's picture
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Well next year will be our 7th WDW vacation and 29 years of togetherness, but 45 years in marriage terms is the sapphire stone, which coincidently is our wedding month stone, ( September ) So we will celebrate the 45th in our own special way.. clapping In fact any excuse to celebrate a Disney vacation is high on my list.. wink

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MrHub wrote:
No I'm not surprised we have not heard anything yet, like you said it's over a year away still. 45 years may not be that big at all. 50 will be the next big celebration I'm sure.

I agree with Mark, I'm not sure if they'll do anything really big for the 45th. There might be some small merchandising, and a cupcake, but I wouldn't expect much more.

JW - there was actually quite a celebration around the 40th I can remember watching the live coverage.

jw24's picture
Joined: 11/23/2013
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I knew they had a ceremony for the MK's 40th. What I meant was something more large-scale like adding decorations on Cinderella Castle, adding new entertainment like Paint the Night or re-opening rides after long-term refurbishments like what Disneyland has done for their 60th anniversary.


"All my life I wonder how it feels to pass a day, not above them but part of them.

And out there living in the sun, give me one day out there, all I ask is one to hold forever. Out there where they all live unaware, what I'd give, what I'd dare, just to live one day out there."

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Joined: 09/01/2011
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jw24 wrote:
I knew they had a ceremony for the MK's 40th. What I meant was something more large-scale like adding decorations on Cinderella Castle, adding new entertainment like Paint the Night or re-opening rides after long-term refurbishments like what Disneyland has done for their 60th anniversary.

True - but New Fantasyland was in full construction at the time with it's first phase opening in March 2012.

Joined: 06/02/2015
Posts: 462

jw24 wrote:
If I recall, I don't think the Magic Kingdom did anything particular for their 40th anniversary a years back. At least not on the scale of what Disneyland is doing for their 60th. But for the Magic Kingdom, surely they'll do something big for the 50th.

I was there in September for the 40th I don't remember them doing much other than a couple of days after we were there they had this HUGE party celebrating the Haunted Mansion's 40th. You could buy the tickets to the event they were like $200 per person and they had special merchandise for sale. I believe it was called "Room for one More" party. I really really wanted to go as the HM is my favorite! And they had some awesome merchandise. I have lots of pins for the 40th. But I do not remember them doing anything big so you are probably right and they will save it for the 50th.
