What's The Most Magical Thing About WDW..

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What's The Most Magical Thing About WDW..

Wow!!.. eek Well folks I got asked this question today..Someone who is going for the first time this year and staying onsite at POP..Is it the meetings with characters..The rides..The live shows..The fireworks..Well I told them it's all these things..But if I had to choose just one....Just one..What would it be...?...I had to think hard about this..For me it's a world of fantasy and imagination that doesn't exist in the real world..Only those who are willing to see the magic,will find the magic...P.S..If I've asked a similar question before, I apologise...It was just something I was asked today and got me thinking..

Joined: 07/19/2013
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You did...


King Fergus

Cheers..Time for my medication wheelchair

oldtink's picture
Joined: 03/11/2014
Posts: 867

I don't mind being reminded as people ask once in while "You're going back to Disney?!?!? Why?"
I think, to add to KF's comment, that WDW (and DL) is also a reminder of what we all can do if we dream it, imagine it, and believe in it. We all may not want to make another WDW but we all have our personal places where a bit of pixie dust wouldn't hurt.


"At some point in life you have to decide if you're the Tigger or the Eeyore."...Randy Pausch

"George Banks and all he stands for will be saved. Maybe not in life, but in imagination. Because that's what we storytellers do. We restore order with imagination. We instill hope again and again and again." Walt Disney

King Fergus

oldtink wrote:
I don't mind being reminded as people ask once in while "You're going back to Disney?!?!? Why?"
I think, to add to KF's comment, that WDW (and DL) is also a reminder of what we all can do if we dream it, imagine it, and believe in it. We all may not want to make another WDW but we all have our personal places where a bit of pixie dust wouldn't hurt.

Cheers...Yeh, the first thread was because I was getting stick from friends on Facebook about my constant Disney quotes and photos, but this thread was when I was asked by someone who is going for the first time...This person has never been to America, let alone WDW..And to say they are excited.. clapping ...Well that's another story, but they asked me what's my most enjoyable thing about Disney...If I had to choose just one thing.. confused

Emilio's picture
Joined: 03/23/2013
Posts: 339

I'm asked the same question all the time, WDW again? My answer is simple, visiting WDW is like visiting another era or dimension, where all is good, clean, and simply enjoying the better things of life. Even the air smells fresher at Disney!

Walk through Disney and you'll notice all the smiles on peoples face, even those carrying two toddlers Smile

It's a magical place where you leave your age at the gate mickey

crazycatperson's picture
Joined: 09/19/2011
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I've said it's magical because I get to be 10 years old again. And I'm sticking with that answer.

JoAnn C's picture
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crazycatperson wrote:
I've said it's magical because I get to be 10 years old again. And I'm sticking with that answer.



MrHub's picture
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King Fergus wrote:

Cheers..Time for my medication wheelchair

Search bar too!

King Fergus

Sorry..Memory lapses can be embarrassing..Time for a break... sad

disneydoc's picture
Joined: 06/27/2012
Posts: 2415

That's ok Fergus - I keep forgetting stuff more and more these days. Maybe I need to defrag my hard drive. Too full? laugh


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oldtink's picture
Joined: 03/11/2014
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I agree with crazycat and Joann - I can be any age I want and no one else cares. It's youth and magic, and all the wonderful stuff in between. muchlove


"At some point in life you have to decide if you're the Tigger or the Eeyore."...Randy Pausch

"George Banks and all he stands for will be saved. Maybe not in life, but in imagination. Because that's what we storytellers do. We restore order with imagination. We instill hope again and again and again." Walt Disney

Joined: 03/22/2014
Posts: 552

For me it's that they think of EVERYTHING. Every teeny tiny detail is thought out. Magic Express, your luggage being picked up, sending your purchases back to the room, the whole design and set up of all the lands, the timing for the rides, the greetings when you wear an anniversary/birthday pin, no gum in the parks, the hidden secrets you were all posting before...it's such a well oiled machine. That's what makes it magical. I'm so impressed by it.


EmFord's picture
Joined: 02/12/2014
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The magic bubble! From the second I board Magical Express I don't have to worry about anything except what I'm going to do to have fun that day.


Joined: 01/22/2014
Posts: 291

TinkASL wrote:
For me it's that they think of EVERYTHING. Every teeny tiny detail is thought out. Magic Express, your luggage being picked up, sending your purchases back to the room, the whole design and set up of all the lands, the timing for the rides, the greetings when you wear an anniversary/birthday pin, no gum in the parks, the hidden secrets you were all posting before...it's such a well oiled machine. That's what makes it magical. I'm so impressed by it.

This, 100% awesome


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jw24's picture
Joined: 11/23/2013
Posts: 999

It's really more than one thing. Aside from the usual escape from real world, being a kid again statements and the whole environment from attractions and CMs, I think it's just the overall anticipation and buildup. I mean, the Magic Kingdom, the way it's set up, has a different vibe.

When we go to most amusement parks, typically, we're in a parking lot with the big giant roller coasters right in front of us. With the Magic Kingdom, you still need to take a ferry or monorail to go from the parking lot to the entrance area. You see the castle but it's still far away. Then when go through security on to Main Street, the castle is closer but still far away. Then as you step closer and closer, you truly realize how beautiful and tall the castle is. Anyway, I think Disney compared to most theme parks is different and magical because at most theme parks, most have in mind of riding the big tall coaster they saw in the parking lot as their first ride. But at Disney, there's not really a big, towering and large ride right in front of you so you're left asking and wondering in a good way what ride to do first.


"All my life I wonder how it feels to pass a day, not above them but part of them.

And out there living in the sun, give me one day out there, all I ask is one to hold forever. Out there where they all live unaware, what I'd give, what I'd dare, just to live one day out there."

finngirl's picture
Joined: 04/11/2012
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jw24 wrote:
It's really more than one thing. Aside from the usual escape from real world, being a kid again statements and the whole environment from attractions and CMs, I think it's just the overall anticipation and buildup. I mean, the Magic Kingdom, the way it's set up, has a different vibe.

When we go to most amusement parks, typically, we're in a parking lot with the big giant roller coasters right in front of us. With the Magic Kingdom, you still need to take a ferry or monorail to go from the parking lot to the entrance area. You see the castle but it's still far away. Then when go through security on to Main Street, the castle is closer but still far away. Then as you step closer and closer, you truly realize how beautiful and tall the castle is. Anyway, I think Disney compared to most theme parks is different and magical because at most theme parks, most have in mind of riding the big tall coaster they saw in the parking lot as their first ride. But at Disney, there's not really a big, towering and large ride right in front of you so you're left asking and wondering in a good way what ride to do first.

Well said! When I talked DH into going to WDW for the first time, he kept asking what we would do there for a week? His only experience had been Canada's Wonderland (similar to King's Dominion in Virginia) - one day there is more than enough! I had grown up with trips to Disneyland (thanks Dad!) and knew WDW was going to be great, so I just kept saying, "wait and see". The look on both my son's and husband faces as we started down Main Street was worth all the annoying questions and doubts before we arrived. This ended up being just the first of many trips, and we plan on returning many more times as long as we are physically able to do so.



Time marches on. Eventually you realize it's doing it across your face.