What's Your Funniest Disney Memory???

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daryl dd's picture
Joined: 12/09/2011
Posts: 6
What's Your Funniest Disney Memory???

Last October, I was sitting by the bathrooms at the immediate left of the Barber Shoppe near the entrance to Main Street USA in Magic Kingdom. My wife had just gone in to use the ladies, when a Father and his son came by. The boy was only maybe 3 years old, and when his Dad told him it was time to go to the bathroom...he started to drop his pants right in front of the nearest bush..in front of everyone!!!!
My wife was coming out just in time to see the red faced Dad saying "No no son, you can't do that here!!!" Poor little tyke, he was only trying to do what Dad doubtless showed him....I laughed about that one all day!!!! laugh

Vettelover's picture
Joined: 03/28/2009
Posts: 4658

Like Father like son undoubtedly laugh


MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
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I'm sure it's not the first, and won't be the last either. Thank God they don't let beer in there!

Joined: 08/20/2011
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As my hubby said I was just coming out of the bathroom at the time that happened and all I saw was a little boy with his pants around his ankle and his dad scrambling to pull them up again. Although that moment was pretty funny I do have another one that makes me chuckle even more. The first time I went to Disney it was just myself and my 13 year old son and 11 year old daughter. We were staying at Port Orleans in the french quarter. My son couldn't get over all the lizards and told me one day he was going to catch one. I recall telling him that he would probably regret it when all of a sudden he grabbed one and unfortunately it grabbed him. He began to scream and shake his finger but the thing held on for dear life. Finally it let go but it didn't run away. It chased him down the hallway! He learned his lesson to leave those things alone. I remember his finger bled for quite a while after and it took quite some time to heal.I still tease him about the day a tiny lizard got the best of him.

Kris1971's picture
Joined: 08/10/2011
Posts: 2350

Years ago I went to Disney with my folks after we watched my brother graduate from Naval Basic Training in Orlando. I convinced my dad, who loved the wild mouse at the old amusement park where he grew up, to go on Space Mountain with me. I told him it was like a wild mouse in the dark and that he'd love it. I honestly thought he would. Well we got on the ride and about 20 seconds in, my dad started yelling from behind me, "Kris, when we get off of this ride, I'm going to kick your ass". Apparently it was a bit more than he was expecting. I was laughing so hard, my eyes had tears in them the entire ride. We still talk about it to this day. laugh


Lizzy_B's picture
Joined: 10/25/2010
Posts: 3246

Oh gosh...this was hard for me! You wouldn't think it would be. I think still one of the funniest things that ever happened to us was on our very first trip. I was 7, and we went to see the Hall of Presidents. My mother, a very intelligent woman, watched the show enraptured, and it was 3/4 of the way over before she realized the figures weren't real people...which she then declared fairly loudly because she was so surprised. I remember laughing so hard at her, because it was just so ridiculous. LOVE HER.

(Kris, that totally sounds like something that would happen in our family.)


katrina1122's picture
Joined: 12/08/2010
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We were in epcot shortly after it opened. My sister was maybe 6 at the time. She was getting really sun burned so my dad put his baseball cap on her to cover more of her face even though it was too big. She stepped on the moving platform to get on spaceship earth and stumbled and a cm had to catch her from falling over. He said "it's awful early in the afternoon to be hitting the beer isn't it?" We all looked at him funny and just laughed having no idea what he meant. I got in the car with my mom, sister and dad got in the car behind us. Apparently he took her hat off so she could see and realized she was wearing his budweiser busch clydesdale hat. clapping

In the mid 90's I was talked into going on Body Wars with my friends. I got on knowing I'd get super car sick. When that death trap finally stopped I was actually green in the face. My friends helped/dragged me to a bench right outside the exit where I sat not moving for over an hour while they explored the pavillion. While sitting there 2 grandmother's sat down next to me and began chatting. At one point, one said to the other, "gee, i hope they are ok". The other responded, "why, because we've been waiting for them to get off for awhile?". The first answered, "No. You just don't know what kind of radiation these things let off." yay Oh how hard it was to not laugh so as to not emit something else, lol!


Wishin' I was at WDW!

Joined: 12/28/2011
Posts: 1039

On my second trip to DW, my partner and I were drinking our coffee, joyously waiting at Dixie Landings for an early MK when in straggled a bleary eyed family of 5 or 6. Either just out of bed or just off the plane, I am sure.
Mom was pushing a stroller with a sleeping toddler, Dad was holding onto another child, and there was (at least) one 10-12 yr old boy. This boy was shuffling his feet, head down, hand in pockets. I didn't hear him say anything, but he somehow caught the attention of Dad.

Now this is going to sound tragic, but wait for it to unfold. . .

Dad grabbed the boy by the shoulders and put his face right down to the kid's and in that growling Dad Whisper said:
"I spent a lot of money bringing us here because you all wanted to come. This is the most magical place on earth, and we are going to have fun today, so start having fun right now, OK?"

This exchange sucked the air out of the bus stop, BUT someone to my right, in a distinctly Donald Duck voice said "I will, I promise!" Dad's head snapped around, kid's head snapped around, and those of us who had heard the whole thing couldn't help but laugh a bit - OK, more than a bit! It was just so classic!
The air came back and everyone smiled - even Dad and son! Disney Crisis Averted!


If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.
J. R. R. Tolkien

Lizzy_B's picture
Joined: 10/25/2010
Posts: 3246

That's a great story! I'm very glad someone took a risk and reminded Dad and Son of the magic. Thanks for sharing it!
