Where would you want to be a CM?

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SpaceAce's picture
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dsoup wrote:
admin wrote:
Vettelover wrote:
Brad: I really can't explain why but I think from a purely technical aspect Illuminations encompasses more than just pyrotechnics, by that I mean it has Fireworks/Fire (the inferno barge) lasers and the globe so it is more difficult to put on. Just my opinion.

Did you ever get a chance to do the Backstage Magic Tour or an Epcot backstage tour? I know they talk about Illuminations set-up on the Backstage Magic Tour, and I imagine they do on the Epcot tours.

What tour do I have to take to get to push the buttons?!?

I don't think they'd ever let any of us loonies push the buttons!

(Is there a giant button to start the fireworks?)




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SpaceAce's picture
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marzyar wrote:
The employee orientation tour.

That would be fun, but I'd get frustrated with people who just needed a job and weren't there to spread the magic...




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Leota's picture
Joined: 04/13/2009
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I'd love to cook at Jiko. I'd also love to be a CM at the Haunted Mansion.

Actually, I'd do just about any job in WDW. I can't think of anything (except cleaning the bathrooms yuck ) that I wouldn't have fun doing because I would know I was spreading the Magic. Heck, I'd clean up horse poop on Main St. if I knew I could spend the day in WDW & do things to make people happy.


cdub's picture
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Leota wrote:
I'd love to cook at Jiko. I'd also love to be a CM at the Haunted Mansion.

Actually, I'd do just about any job in WDW. I can't think of anything (except cleaning the bathrooms yuck ) that I wouldn't have fun doing because I would know I was spreading the Magic. Heck, I'd clean up horse poop on Main St. if I knew I could spend the day in WDW & do things to make people happy.

Ooh are you a big Jiko fan? I've only been once but I loved the ribs. I think it's a really nice restaurant aesthetically too. Is that a must do for you?

bali's picture
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Leota wrote:
I'd love to cook at Jiko. I'd also love to be a CM at the Haunted Mansion.

Have you taken the Jiko tour? I think it's free at AKL.

I know the perfect job for you at HM!! laugh


May 2008 CSR mickey

Leota's picture
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I do love Jiko. I love alot of restaurants at WDW, but I think Jiko would just be so much fun. The food is interesting & I'd love to go to work at AKL everyday.

I've wanted to work at HM since my first trip to WDW in 1973 as a kid. I hardly remember anything from that trip except Haunted Mansion, the old Mission to Mars and the Polynesian. No, we didn't stay there, we stayed at Jellystone Campgrounds, but I thought all the Movie Stars must stay at the Poly!

When I went back for the first time as an adult, we took my DS, then 3.5. I HAD to go on the HM & scared him half to death, poor thing. I didn't remember it being scary, I just remembered loving it. But I was 8 the first time I rode it & a scary movie junkie. Poor Max was too young.


SpaceAce's picture
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Leota wrote:

When I went back for the first time as an adult, we took my DS, then 3.5. I HAD to go on the HM & scared him half to death, poor thing. I didn't remember it being scary, I just remembered loving it. But I was 8 the first time I rode it & a scary movie junkie. Poor Max was too young.

laugh Poor kid. Does he love it now?




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SoloFriendly's picture
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bali wrote:
Leota wrote:
I'd love to cook at Jiko. I'd also love to be a CM at the Haunted Mansion.

Have you taken the Jiko tour? I think it's free at AKL.

I know the perfect job for you at HM!! laugh

Wait-- you can tour Jiko? Really? Do you know what the times are to do that?



Brad's picture
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Leota wrote:
I do love Jiko. I love alot of restaurants at WDW, but I think Jiko would just be so much fun. The food is interesting & I'd love to go to work at AKL everyday.

I've wanted to work at HM since my first trip to WDW in 1973 as a kid. I hardly remember anything from that trip except Haunted Mansion, the old Mission to Mars and the Polynesian. No, we didn't stay there, we stayed at Jellystone Campgrounds, but I thought all the Movie Stars must stay at the Poly!

When I went back for the first time as an adult, we took my DS, then 3.5. I HAD to go on the HM & scared him half to death, poor thing. I didn't remember it being scary, I just remembered loving it. But I was 8 the first time I rode it & a scary movie junkie. Poor Max was too young.

It's interesting I went to Disneyland when I was young and my most vivid memories are:

1.) The Haunted Mansion when the ghost is in your Doombuggy.
2.) The little drop in Pirates of the Caribbean.

Leota's picture
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I keep wanting to try that AKL Jiko tour. Tell us more....

Yup, Max loved HM after he was 9. The next trip, he wouldn't go near it, but by the time he was 9, it was one of his favorites. laugh


admin's picture
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SoloFriendly wrote:

Wait-- you can tour Jiko? Really? Do you know what the times are to do that?

Thought I'd butt in here with the info:

You can tour Jiko and Boma each day at 4:00pm at AKL. Meet at the Jiko podium. Here's an activities page that describes it--"Culinary Tour"

Leota's picture
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admin wrote:
SoloFriendly wrote:

Wait-- you can tour Jiko? Really? Do you know what the times are to do that?

Thought I'd butt in here with the info:

You can tour Jiko and Boma each day at 4:00pm at AKL. Meet at the Jiko podium. Here's an activities page that describes it--"Culinary Tour"

Thanks for the info! That sounds really cool. We never got a chance to do it when we were staying at AKL, but maybe this coming trip in Oct. I think DH would really like that.


Brad's picture
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Wow, Leota I didn't realize you were only 23 days away (I'm not good with the date!). You must be getting excited.

Leota's picture
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I am! I'm starting to obsess on packing since all my other plans have long since been made. laugh I have this whole elaborate ritual I go thru with the packing. I actually make spreadsheets of everything I need, including which outfits I need for what. Then I practice packing. I have a thing about traveling as light as possible, so I pack, then I "trim the fat" to get my 1 carry-on as "perfect" as possible.

I know....it's a sickness silly


Annie's picture
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Leota wrote:
Then I practice packing. I have a thing about traveling as light as possible, so I pack, then I "trim the fat" to get my 1 carry-on as "perfect" as possible.

I know....it's a sickness silly

I do that, too! I got the sickness when I was camping and backpacking a lot and had to carry everything with me whenever I moved--usually on crappy public transportation!

So does this mean you do laundry when you're there? (Does the Swolphin have guest laundry?)

Leota's picture
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Swolphin does have laundry, in the Dolphin side. I've never used it tho. I have done laundry at CSR, BC & AKL.

I can actually pack up to a week in the warmer monthes in a carryon without having to do laundry. For the past several years, we've had to take shorter, more frequent trips- usually 5-6 days at a time. I can do that carryon, no problem.
I used to travel back & forth to Washington DC for work & was lugging my suitcase from the airport to the hotel on the Metro. I learned REAL fast to pack light. silly Same as your backpacking/camping experince, I'm guessing.

Now DH is another story. That man needs a 28" suitcase packed to the gills for a weekend stay. I have no idea what he's thinking when he lays out his clothes for a vacation. He's been known to pack 10 shirts for a 3 day weekend. laugh


wdwfan's picture
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I'd like to work in the Animal Kingdom or in Epcot.


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dsoup's picture
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wdwfan wrote:
I'd like to work in the Animal Kingdom or in Epcot.

Epcot is an interesting trade off. Especially World Showcase. You probably have a bit fewer rowdy kids, but more drunk adults.

Mike&Donna's picture
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This is one of those threads I just found under the "See Also:" section. (I love that feature on this site!)

The one job I thought would be way cool would be one of the boat operators on the "Jungle Cruise". I have a sometimes very warped sense of humor and those guys seem to have that trait nailed!

My second job choice would be one of those people that walks around the park and sweeps up litter. Gives a chance to see all the people enjoying themselves. They might have to let me carry a camera tho...


Life is what you make it...then there's Disney!!!

dsoup's picture
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Mike&Donna wrote:
This is one of those threads I just found under the "See Also:" section. (I love that feature on this site!)

The one job I thought would be way cool would be one of the boat operators on the "Jungle Cruise". I have a sometimes very warped sense of humor and those guys seem to have that trait nailed!

My second job choice would be one of those people that walks around the park and sweeps up litter. Gives a chance to see all the people enjoying themselves. They might have to let me carry a camera tho...

Jungle Cruise guide could be really fun. Do you think you could keep your sense of humor all day long dealing with guests though?

Imagineer's picture
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dsoup wrote:

Jungle Cruise guide could be really fun. Do you think you could keep your sense of humor all day long dealing with guests though?

This is a question I ask myself all the time. I'm curious as to what this group thinks.

Do you think that if you worked for Disney it would spoil the magic for you? I mean, most of us go to WDW as an escape FROM work. How would we feel if it BECAME our work? Obviously it would depend on the location and the role.

I have more than just a passing interest in this, by the way. I recently interviewed for, and was offered a job with Disney. I turned it down, but with the understanding that I may be made the offer again, but at a different location, after the first of the year.


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SpaceAce's picture
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Imagineer wrote:
dsoup wrote:

Jungle Cruise guide could be really fun. Do you think you could keep your sense of humor all day long dealing with guests though?

This is a question I ask myself all the time. I'm curious as to what this group thinks.

Do you think that if you worked for Disney it would spoil the magic for you? I mean, most of us go to WDW as an escape FROM work. How would we feel if it BECAME our work? Obviously it would depend on the location and the role.

I have more than just a passing interest in this, by the way. I recently interviewed for, and was offered a job with Disney. I turned it down, but with the understanding that I may be made the offer again, but at a different location, after the first of the year.

Wow -- congratulations, Imagineer! In answer to your question, I think it really depends on two things: 1. The job you're doing, and 2. If the money is necessary to pay bills, or supplementary (e.g. extra income in addition to a retirement pension or something).

I think it'd be great to work for Disney if it's not something I HAVE to do to pay bills. It might get stressful otherwise. But it really does matter what TYPE of job you get. If it's running attractions, well, that could get boring long-term. If it's Imagineering-type work where you have more autonomy, it could be great.




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dsoup's picture
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I think Bali's point is really good. If you are a retiree or someone doing the job for fun you're less likely to get worn down by the grind. I would seriously worry that working there for a living would ruin the magic.

caitiesus's picture
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I would want to be one of the princesses (probably Belle). Not because I always wanted to be a princess, but because of the joy it brings little girls. Have you ever seen a four year old's face when she turns around and sees her favorite Disney princess? Knowing I could make that magic happen many times a day would make it a fun job to go to!

If not that, I would want to do what I bet everyone here would want to do - brings back the million dreams as something permanent and be part of the dream squad. Not only do you get to give people awesome stuff, but when you aren't doing that, you get to go around the parks and make magical moments for people!

cdub's picture
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That's a great point. It would be a blast to give someone one of the dreams, especially the really good ones. (I don't want to give out the Mickey Ears)

MrHub's picture
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Wow! This question makes my brain spin. There are so many place I would want to be a CM. I love to see the expressions on peoples faces though when they first enter the Magic Kingdom on Main Street. I know I have the same feeling every time we go, so I would like to be a Photopass photographer. I would love to catch that first look , that feeling you get of "Wow". You can see it in their faces, and capture it for an eternity!

dsoup's picture
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mrhub wrote:
Wow! This question makes my brain spin. There are so many place I would want to be a CM. I love to see the expressions on peoples faces though when they first enter the Magic Kingdom on Main Street. I know I have the same feeling every time we go, so I would like to be a Photopass photographer. I would love to catch that first look , that feeling you get of "Wow". You can see it in their faces, and capture it for an eternity!

That's a great point. Being a greeter could be a ton of fun to see everyone's excitement. Unfortunately you'd also have to see all the out of control kids being dragged out by their parents at the end of the day. laugh

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dsoup - not my kid, not my problem! Have a Magical Night!

dsoup's picture
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mrhub wrote:
dsoup - not my kid, not my problem! Have a Magical Night!

I suppose there's actually a positive element of seeing that and thinking "I'm lucky I don't have to deal with that!"

milliehubbard's picture
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Hmmmmmm...was just thinking about Disney employment this morning...in the context of a "retirement" job. I'd like to be a CM with the Disney Florists or the Horticultural dept. Not that it would be "easy" work and the horticulture hours are horrible (nights!!!). But I love gardening so much it wouldn't seem like work!



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