Would you rather...

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Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
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Would you rather...

Group travel can come with a whole host of problems when personal dynamics come into play, and even though we go to a happy place, I'm always struck by the bickering groups of unhappy travelers.

Would you rather travel with friend or extended family? How come?

Joined: 02/12/2012
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Next trip will be the first time I've come close to really travelling in a group outside of my immediate family. Where there is usually 4 of us, this trip it's shot up to 10! I think what is and will work well is that we are not planning to spend every day together. In a way, we go off and do what we like, they go off and do what they like and we have arranged times to meet up to go shopping, dining or for EMH, going off property etc. Both groups do Disney differently, we stroll around the parks taking it all in, then tend to just hit the rides one after the other after the other! Attempting to tour together for two whole weeks would be too difficult!

Thats why I think larger groups have so many problems and fallings out during these trips, someone always finds themselves the involuntary leader and it's pretty much impossible, even in Disney, to please every single person in the party! The chosen leader ends up running around after everyone else and doesn't get the enjoy themselves half as much! I think groups are better breaking off more often than not and meeting up for 'select' things, everyone gets to please themselves then!


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Hardy0109's picture
Joined: 07/19/2012
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I would rather travel with a group if friends if they were all disney freaks like me. But no more than six people in the group!


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senseicj's picture
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Absolutely rather go with friends, we went in 07 with a group of 14 or 16 and we all did are own thing when we wanted. I would tell people what i was doing for the day and if they wanted to tag along that was fine, and usually the ones that had not been to disney before did tag along and everyone else did what they wanted and met up later


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--Walt Disney--



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I would go with friends over family too. We have gone with both and although we have never got into a bickering match or anything close to that, we just find we have a better time with friends. The largest group we have ever gone with is 6 adults and one 18 month old. They all wanted to stay together so that was more than enough people for me. We are now expectcing our 4th grandchild so sometime in the future (in the far distant future) I am sure they will all want to do another family trip.

AuntieSocial's picture
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Both! In October, I'll be with two family members (mom and cousin) AND friends (BFF and her husband).
But...to be honest...there are some members of my family I wouldn't want to go to the grocery store with, much less on a week-long vacation to the World! laugh

Joined: 12/28/2011
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Ahhh . . . Just the two of us, thanks. Group stuff has always ruined my happy places.


If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.
J. R. R. Tolkien

mteam94's picture
Joined: 07/17/2012
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We have always done Disney just the 4 of us, and will do it with just the two of us eventually. Smile However, this past March we did Universal,Sea World and Busch Gardens with friends in a group of 14 of us. We stayed in a rental, first time ever we were in Florida and NOT on Disney property at all. It was interesting to see the rest of the area but we still prefer our Disney and would do the group again but only with friends who loved Disney as much as us.

twilightsparrow's picture
Joined: 05/16/2012
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I would rather go by ourselves or with only 1 or 2 friends...we've done the whole larger group thing and something always goes wrong making people miserable. It's much easier to move around when there's no more than 5 people and everyone is happy. Smile


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DisneyDee27's picture
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Both is fine. I'd give the stipulation that after the first 4 days everyone is free to do what they'd like. We can meet for dinners or later in the day but day 5-? I'm sleeping in and no longer playing host. It worked (for the most part) with my grand gathering of 17 a few years ago...as for just the two of us. Love hanging around Disney with my wife. She's pretty awesome. I also enjoy solo,trips too


Member of the 6 castle club and working to pay for my next Disney vacations: 1/5-10/18, September 2018 for my 50th and 2018 the year of Disney cruising.

The Cookie Crumbler's picture
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I'm fine traveling with either friends or family as long as it's a small group. Sometimes a large group of my friends will come into the city and no one can agree on what to do, so they end up wandering around aimlessly for several hours. Same thing happens with my family but with more personal insults. With four or five people that doesn't happen so much.


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angels444's picture
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Ollie wrote:
Ahhh . . . Just the two of us, thanks. Group stuff has always ruined my happy places.

I'm going with Ollie on this one. I would have to hang myself from the tree of life if I went with my family or J's.


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I would rather go with friends (which I am). I love my family but I would be put into babysitting duty while the other adults went to dinner. No fun!

Belinda's picture
Joined: 08/09/2012
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angels444 wrote:
Ollie wrote:
Ahhh . . . Just the two of us, thanks. Group stuff has always ruined my happy places.

I'm going with Ollie on this one. I would have to hang myself from the tree of life if I went with my family or J's.

Ditto. Love my family to pieces, but my brother and sister can never see eye to eye and I end up being the peace-maker, so just the two of us is perfect! muchlove


** BeLiNdA **

Jess's picture
Joined: 03/04/2011
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I would prefer to either to with my immediate family which we always go with or go with friends... I wouldnt want to go with a large group of family cause I think that would just cause to many problems


Joined: 12/28/2011
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Belinda wrote:
angels444 wrote:
Ollie wrote:
Ahhh . . . Just the two of us, thanks. Group stuff has always ruined my happy places.

I'm going with Ollie on this one. I would have to hang myself from the tree of life if I went with my family or J's.

Ditto. Love my family to pieces, but my brother and sister can never see eye to eye and I end up being the peace-maker, so just the two of us is perfect! muchlove

Whew! Glad I have some emotional back up on this!

And "hang myself from the tree of life . . ." Best. Line. Ever. awesome


If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.
J. R. R. Tolkien

Belinda's picture
Joined: 08/09/2012
Posts: 771

Ollie wrote:
Belinda wrote:
angels444 wrote:
Ollie wrote:
Ahhh . . . Just the two of us, thanks. Group stuff has always ruined my happy places.

I'm going with Ollie on this one. I would have to hang myself from the tree of life if I went with my family or J's.

Ditto. Love my family to pieces, but my brother and sister can never see eye to eye and I end up being the peace-maker, so just the two of us is perfect! muchlove

Whew! Glad I have some emotional back up on this!

And "hang myself from the tree of life . . ." Best. Line. Ever. awesome

Can't stop laughing! laugh Truly the funniest thing I have ever heard! laugh


** BeLiNdA **

dontthrowsand's picture
Joined: 05/28/2012
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Next time I go anywhere Disney that I have to pay for, I go alone! I like to just quietly wander and ride whatever I want. I am used to being a solo traveler and actually prefer it.

Now my mom just won a trip to Disneyland so if I can go there, I would love to go with my family because we are all okay with splitting up and meeting up after.

finngirl's picture
Joined: 04/11/2012
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dontthrowsand wrote:

Now my mom just won a trip to Disneyland so if I can go there, I would love to go with my family because we are all okay with splitting up and meeting up after.

Really? How wonderful! I've always dreamed of winning a trip, but never known anyone who actually did!



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Ollie wrote:
Belinda wrote:
angels444 wrote:
Ollie wrote:
Ahhh . . . Just the two of us, thanks. Group stuff has always ruined my happy places.

I'm going with Ollie on this one. I would have to hang myself from the tree of life if I went with my family or J's.

Ditto. Love my family to pieces, but my brother and sister can never see eye to eye and I end up being the peace-maker, so just the two of us is perfect! muchlove

Whew! Glad I have some emotional back up on this!

And "hang myself from the tree of life . . ." Best. Line. Ever. awesome

Agree ditto agree! But if I had to, I'd rather go with friends. You can pick your friends but you can't pick your family...so friends it would be! Haha.

Allie's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
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JeffC wrote:
Ollie wrote:
Belinda wrote:
angels444 wrote:
Ollie wrote:
Ahhh . . . Just the two of us, thanks. Group stuff has always ruined my happy places.

I'm going with Ollie on this one. I would have to hang myself from the tree of life if I went with my family or J's.

Ditto. Love my family to pieces, but my brother and sister can never see eye to eye and I end up being the peace-maker, so just the two of us is perfect! muchlove

Whew! Glad I have some emotional back up on this!

And "hang myself from the tree of life . . ." Best. Line. Ever. awesome

Agree ditto agree! But if I had to, I'd rather go with friends. You can pick your friends but you can't pick your family...so friends it would be! Haha.

So true! awesome