Your Favourite Mode Of Transport..

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The Watchmaker's picture
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Your Favourite Mode Of Transport..

I was speaking to a friend the other day who is soon off on their first onsite vacation..I was asked about the Monorail system and where does it run from and to..To be honest I still have to check I'm getting on the right one as I got on the loop one by mistake once.. wheelchair ...Anyway I mentioned about the Friendship boats which also get you from various places, and this brought back memories from last year at DHS when we hopped on the Friendship boat, our captain was awesome giving out facts about Disney as we sailed away..As much as i also love the patter of the bus drivers, my favourite way of getting to MK last year from Wilderness Lodge was the early morning boat..Sailing from Bay Lake round to the Seven Seas Lagoon then spotting Cinderella's Castle was a great start to our day...What is your favourite Disney transport when on vacation.?..P.S. Big mention to the cruise down the old Sassagoula river from PORS... awesome

The Watchmaker's picture
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Here's my number one favourite transport..

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Vettelover's picture
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I'm rather partial to the monorail.


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Vettelover's picture
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But Ken, that mode does have it's ups and downs. rolling


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Vettelover wrote:
But Ken, that mode does have it's ups and downs. rolling

Haha! Very true! laugh

Plus, you always seem to end up where you started.

Belinda's picture
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I love the boats too, followed by the monorail!


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NikkiMouse's picture
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I love the monorail. I have actually never been on the boats, but it is in the plan for this year. During our 4 parks in one day extravaganza, we are also going to ride all the modes of transportation available also.


alicemouse's picture
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KenJ wrote:
Vettelover wrote:
But Ken, that mode does have it's ups and downs. rolling

Haha! Very true! laugh

Plus, you always seem to end up where you started.

It's a round trip flight. silly

I'm partial to the boats, myself!


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Joined: 07/19/2013
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Seriously though, I like the monorail the best and I wish it went everywhere. Boats are second. Buses are the dead last.

Mrferret's picture
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Irrawaddy Irma gets my vote. Big smile


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MrHub's picture
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MrHub's picture
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KenJ wrote:
Seriously though, I like the monorail the best and I wish it went everywhere. Boats are second. Buses are the dead last.

Boat, then the Monorail but to the resorts other than the MK, we drive our own vehicle. Much faster, less hassle, more times in the parks.

93boomer's picture
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I love any kind of boat for transportation esp the ride from POR to DS!Smile

The Colonel's picture
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I like my feets the best.


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crazycatperson's picture
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At WDW, I like any mode of transportation that I don't have to drive.

disneydoc's picture
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The Colonel wrote:
I like my feets the best.

ME too Colonel! You beat me to that answer! I love the path between BW and HS. And to the BW from Epcot.... muchlove

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JMed's picture
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KenJ wrote:
Seriously though, I like the monorail the best and I wish it went everywhere. Boats are second. Buses are the dead last.

I am with you. If the monorail ran a loop to all of the parks that would be awesome!!!! That's it, I'm starting a petition to build more monorail tracks!

We always drive down so my favorite is our car. I like to be able to just walk out to it and hop in without waiting on 50 of my closest friends to fight their way on with me.... laugh


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JoAnn C's picture
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crazycatperson wrote:
At WDW, I like any mode of transportation that I don't have to drive.

That gets my vote too.


jw24's picture
Joined: 11/23/2013
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It's the monorail for me. A Disney World without a monorail is like New York City without the subway. Still, the monorail is probably the only one I can think of where you don't need a ticket to ride it. Haven't ridden any of the resort boats but I'll definitely experience that when I do resort hopping on my next trip.


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JoAnn C wrote:
crazycatperson wrote:
At WDW, I like any mode of transportation that I don't have to drive.

That gets my vote too.

And another vote from me.

Also, I can't lump all the boats together. We once took the boat from "somewhere" (I can't remember where we started...maybe HS?) to Epcot and it was the most miserable experience. It was hotter than an oven in that boat with no breeze. I have never wanted to get off of something so badly in my life. Never, ever again unless that back seat in the open air is available.
On the other hand we once took the boat from MK to WL and it was awesome. Small boat, lovely breeze and super convenient. THAT boat I would do again.
