The Happiest Place on Earth recently hosted its fifth annual "Happiest Race on Earth." The race, which took place at the Disneyland Resort, had more than 14,000 runners representing all fifty states and sixteen separate countries. A record number of participants made the 13.1 mile journey through two Disneyland Resort theme parks, along Anaheim street and the field of Angel Stadium.
Friends, family members and an assortment of Disney characters cheered no the participants as they competed in the half-marathon. The runners who completed the race received a special edition medal featuring Sleeping Beauty Castle.
The happiest runners in the Happiest Race, no doubt included winner Paul Ngeny of Auburn, CA (1:07:24); and runners up Eric Marenburg of San Diego, CA (1:12:10) and Kevin Broady of Brea, CA (1:12:43). Ngeny's time beat the previously held Disneyland Half Marathon record by 41 seconds.
"The course was very nice and comfortable," Ngeny said. "I liked running through the parks and all the music. I could keep on going for a hundred miles." (Disneyland Resort News)
Rachel Booth, of Mountain View, CA came in at 1:15:19, beating the previous women's Disneyland Half Marathon record. Theresa Lowry of San Diego, CA (1:19:05) and Susan Loken of Phoenix, AZ (1:19:13) were runners up. Booth was only 18 seconds shy of an Olympic trial qualifier time.
"It was great. Magical," Booth said. "It's in Disneyland and it's just a happy day. Always enjoyable. Everyone was so loud and cheering." (Disneyland Resort News)
Yeiner wrote on Mon, 11/26/2012 - 01:32:
OMG! I was looking for a late sumemr/fall-ish half to add onto my schedule for 2012 and Disneyland was one of the top contenders. But $150, for earliest registration? Incredible. And $180 for a HALF marathon is just out of control. I don't think any half will ever get me to fork out that kind of money. (I can't say race in general, bc I would pay that to run NYC one day...) You can run Marine Corps twice for that amount of money!It seems that prices are going up quite a bit (esp RnR) and things are becoming less important to race organizers. Seems like details are falling by the wayside, like running out of medals, on-course energy drinks, etc. The registration fees keep increasing and race quality is going down. Makes you think, where is that money going?
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