Bring on the bling! A first look at the medals for the 2019 Disney Princess Half Marathon Weekend events have been released. With an interesting take on the medal art this year, each of the medals features a different Disney Princess giving it her all to race towards the finish line. The Half Marathon is a symphony in pink (not blue) with Princess Aurora , hair flowing in the wind as she runs.
2019 Princess Half Marathon Aurora
Let's get down to business, because at the finish line of the 2019 Enchanted 10K you'll be rewarded with an honorable medal (and my favorite of the bunch) featuring Mulan. This Princess knows that you have a warrior inside of you.
2019 Enchanted 10K Mulan
For several years now Disney has hung some stunning medals around the necks of 5K finishers as well! This distance is a great entry level into the world of endurance and Princess runners this year will go home with a medal featuring one of Disney's newest royal ladies, La Princessa Elena of Avalor.
2019 Disney Princess 5K Elena of Avalor
For those runners lacing up with the moxie to finish both the 10K and Half Marathon, the 2019 Fairy Tale Challenge medal is a shining, shimmering tribute to Princess Jasmine.
2019 Fairy Tale Challenge Jasmine
If you dream of crossing the finish line of Disney Princess Half Marathon limited spots are still available. The runDisney Princess Half Marathon experience is a fun filled and uplifting race. On the fence but think you might like to try? Read my previous article Did Not Finish: My runDisney Princess Half Marathon Story to find out how the 2018 race was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life.
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