Artist Creates ‘The Disney Universe’ Using all the Stars from Disney and Pixar Films

An artist from the United Kingdom has created an image that contains every star that was featured in every Disney and Pixar animated movie.

And by "stars" we're not talking about Cinderella and Queen Elsa. We mean stars from the night sky.

Marianne Hanoun collected every star depicted in every Disney and Pixar animated film and added them to the image called "The Disney Universe."

The artwork gives fans a chance to see stars featured in the night sky of a Disney classic is sitting next to stars from a new Pixar hit film.

Hanoun took nearly 3,000 screen grabs from the individual films and then cut and blended them. The final image is four meters long. Hanoun said she always wanted to work for Disney and this project is her way to celebrate the history of Disney animation.

You can see the full, zoomable image here.


Kristen K. wrote on Tue, 07/22/2014 - 13:26:

Kristen K.'s picture

This is very cool!

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