Atlantic Hurricane Outlooks To Begin In May For 2021

The beginning of 2021 Atlantic Hurricane Season may be months away but long-range forecasts are predicting an active season with some hot spots focused along Florida's West Coast and perhaps and earlier start. Global patterns are changing and as always it's important to make sure you pay attention to the weather throughout your planning and travel.

Atlantic Hurricane Outlooks To Begin In May For 2021 Atlantic Hurricane Outlooks To Begin In May For 2021

Traditionally Atlantic hurricane season kicks off June 1st, but as of 2021 the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is considering pushing up the technical start of hurricane season to earlier in the year. While it's not official yet, NOAA has said that "After 6 years of Atlantic Tropical Cyclones forming prior to the official start of the season, @NWSNHC will now issue routine Tropical Weather Outlooks starting May 15."

Tropical Weather Outlooks starting May 15Tropical Weather Outlooks starting May 15

Wondering what the 2021 names will be? Take a gander at these... Disney fans may appreciate Ana, Elsa, and Wanda on the list.

2021 Hurricane Season Names2021 Hurricane Season Names

Check out our previous articles about visiting Walt Disney World during hurricane season.

Happy traveling!

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