Disney Announces New Information on Disney Springs Transformation at Downtown Disney

As the transformation of Downtown Disney into Disney Springs continues, we have more information on the changes.

The old Pleasure Island will be replaced by The Landing in 2015, and will be the home to several nationally-known restaurants. The former Pleasure Island parking area will become The Town Center and will included shopping and more dining locations.

Roadwork construction is ongoing at Downtown Disney, and guests will encounter lane closures at certain times of the day, though most construction is happening in off-peak hours.

Buena Vista Drive will be expanded to 10 lanes with a dedicated bus lane, and two parking garages will be added. There is also an I-4 interchange planned with direct access to and from Disney Springs.

In the next few months two new Starbucks locations will open, including a storefront at Downtown Disney West Side and a kiosk in the Downtown Disney Marketplace.

The Marketplace Co-Op is scheduled to open this summer and will be home to six Disney retail concept boutiques including Beautifully Disney, Cherry Tree Land, The Trophy Room, and Disney Centerpiece.

The Downtown Disney Food Trucks will find a permanent home this summer when the Food Truck Park opens between Bongos Cuban Cafe and the West Side Starbucks.

Disney Springs is scheduled to be completed in 2016.


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