Disney Committed to Elimiate Use of Rainforest-Sourced Paper

The Walt Disney Company has recently enacted a new paper sourcing policy in which the company will no longer use paper connected to the destruciton of the rainforest.

Disney worked closely with the Rainforest Action Network (RAN) to create the policy and will ensure the new policy will be enforced for every facet of Disney direct operations, from its theme parks and resorts to its media networks and book publishing.

In addition, Disney will also require all of its licensees of Disney characters (over 3,700) and its supply chain partners to be on board with the new paper sourcing policy as well. Currently, there are more than 25,000 companies in over 100 countries that make Disney products.

As part of the new policy, Disney will move forward with three main ideas: "to minimize paper consumption, eliminate paper products containing irresponsibly harvested fiber, and maximize recycled content and fiber sourced from Forest Stewardship Council-certified operations."

Beth Stevens, senior vice president of Disney Corporate Citzenship, Environment and Conservation, said about the change:

The paper policy is an example of how Disney conducts business in an environmentally and socially responsible way, and demonstrates the Company's commitment to creating a lasting, positive impact on ecosystems and communities worldwide.


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