Disney Cruise Line Signs Berthing Agreement with British Virgin Islands

Disney Cruise Line has signed a preferred berthing agreement with the British Virgin Islands with a promise to deliver a total of 75,000 passengers yearly beginning in 2015.

The agreement was also signed by Norwegian Cruise Lines and the two cruise lines have agreed to deliver a total of 425,000 passengers to the British Virgin Islands starting next year and continuing for 15 years. If they fail to deliver the cruise lines will have to pay for lost tax revenues.

The contract between the BVI and the cruise lines also gives Disney Cruise Line and Norwegian preferential berthing rights. This means the lines can request dates for berthing at the cruise pier instead of just accepting what dates might be available.

It has been reported that this section of the agreement resulted in Carnival Cruise Lines removing Tortola from future cruise itineraries, but Carnival has since reversed that decision.

The British Virgin Islands is now expected to go forward with a port expansion project that includes a modern cruise facility.

At the agreement signing ceremony, Karl Holz, President of Disney Cruise Line said the cruise line is "delighted" to be in the British Virgin Islands.


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