With the 50th anniversary of Walt Disney World happening in October 2021, this year was always going to be a transformative phase for the Disney Parks in Florida. However, few could have anticipated the roadblocks that would pop up due to the current world climate. It's August and the four main Theme Parks are not only accepting a limited number of guests through the gates again, but refurbishments and construction projects are moving forward.
Disney Park Hours, Construction, and Refurbishment August 2020 Updates
Epcot and the Magic Kingdom are both being touched with visible construction projects aimed at improving guest experiences ahead of the bit party in 2021. Large parts of Epcot continue to be hidden behind construction walls as three new lands form in the Park, while Cinderella Castle is looking glorious in the new color scheme.
Construction Sighted At The Play Pavilion
Refurbishments are always a part of the schedule at Walt Disney World and now is no different. Show performances, parades, character meets, and nighttime spectaculars have all been put on hold for health and safety concerns. In addition to the scheduled overhauls of Disney attractions, currently several points of interest have been closed due to health and safety precautions related to COVID-19.
Cinderella Castle Is Pretty In Pink
2020 has also brought with it the closure of several attractions on a more permanent level, while other scheduled reimaginings (such as the cone scheduled for Spaceship Earth) have been put on delay.
Thanks so much to our friends at the Disney Food Blog for exclusive use of their images in this article. There's a lot to consider when planning a Walt Disney World vacation at the moment, and making the trip comes down to more than what's under refurbishment for most people. While there have been disappointments recently upon hearing of attractions that wouldn't be returning I for have my eye on the horizon for a great big beautiful tomorrow.
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