Disney VoluntEARS Take Part in Global Service Project in Ecuador

Last fall, 30 Disney VoluntEARS traveled to Ecuador for Disney's first-ever Global Service Project.

The project was part of the 30th anniversary celebration of the VoluntEARS program.

The VoluntEARS traveled to a remote area of Ecuador to support a local village, helping to build a classroom for a Quichua community in the upper Amazon.

As they worked alongside local community members, the VoluntEARS hauled bags of rocks and gravel, mixed cement, and built columns for the classroom's foundation.

This cooperation between locals and the VoluntEARS is part of an age-old tradition in the area's culture called minga. The meaning of the word represents a gathering of community members to complete a task that will benefit everyone.

"Community members young and old, men and women, appeared out of nowhere and helped carry the heavy loads of rocks and supplies, said Anthony Eng, senior financial analyst, Disney Interactive. "This especially touched me because it showed the dedication of the local community members to help see the project completed."


Kristen K. wrote on Thu, 03/20/2014 - 12:14:

Kristen K.'s picture

I always love hearing about what the VoluntEARS are doing.

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