A Glimpse At Changes For 2012 Disney Dining Plans

There is some buzz surrounding the 2012 Disney Dining Plans and upcoming changes to the plans. Without further ado, here is the nitty gritty on what you might want to know about plans for next year.

Guests purchasing the Standard Dining Plan can expect to receive a refillable mugs as part of the plan. These nifty mugs let guests have access to unlimited soft drink and other quick service beverage refills while at their Disney resort.

Next, there's little to suggest that the Wine and Dine add-on will be making a return appearance. The addition, which previously let guests add a bottle of wine to dinner, doesn't look like it will be offered as an option in 2012.

Finally, another major change is on the horizon for the Quick Service Dining Plan. Look for snack allowances to be reduced to one per guest per day.

Also, as with anything else, prices have also undergone a change. Here are the updated Disney Dining Plan prices for 2012:

Quick Dining Plan (price good for the entire year)

$34.99 per night ages 10 and up
$11.99 per night age 3 to 9

Plus Dining Plan (Value and Regular Season)
$51.54 per night ages 10 and up
$15.02 per night age 3 to 9

Plus Dining Plan (Peak Season)
$53.54 per night ages 10 and up
$16.02 per night ages 3 to 9

Deluxe Dining Plan (Value and Regular Season)
$85.52 per night ages 10 and up
$23.79 per night ages 3 to 9

Deluxe Dining Plan (Peak Season)
$89.52 per night ages 10 and up
$25.79 per night ages 3 to 9

Keep in mind, there are bound to be more details about the plans to follow in the coming days and weeks. We'll keep you up to date on any major news associated with future Disney Dining Plans.


JeffC wrote on Thu, 06/16/2011 - 01:18:

Thanks for the run down, Melinda!

Melinda Gregory wrote on Thu, 06/16/2011 - 12:12:

Melinda Gregory's picture

You're welcome, Jeff! And thanks for reading!

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