Marvel's newest cinematic property has opened to its first summer weekend with over $94 million in US box office sales alone, and I for one could not be happier. Before we jump right into my review of Guardians of the Galaxy, let me give you our faithful readers, a little information regarding this ragtag group of scoundrels, thieves and criminals as they embark on their quest to save the universe.
Guardians of the Galaxy Opens August 1st, 2014
Guardians of the Galaxy is about a group of mistfits who come together for one reason or another (money, revenge, boredom, etc) to save the planet of Xandar and the galaxy from the Kree fanatic; Ronan the Accuser. The Guardians are led by 'human', Peter Quill and are comprised of the most unlikely group of beings in the galaxy: Gamora (a green-skinned assassin and adopted daughter of the soon to be villain Thanos), Drax the Destroyer (an alien driven by vengeance after the slaughter of his wife and daughter), Rocket (a genetically created raccoon and psychopath) and the ever popular Groot (a plantman who seems to be Rocket's muscle man and sometimes conscience).
Peter Quill aka Star-Lord Makes For An Unlikely Hero
If you don't know who these heroes are, don't feel bad because even the average Marvel reader may have been scratching their heads in wonder. In the comic book universe, Guardians of the Galaxy has always been a second or third tier comic with rotating line ups...that is until this weekend. Let me point this out, right off the bat, this is not the Avengers. These are not the World's Greatest Heroes. The Guardians of the Galaxy are the last resort, those people who came together to do what was right because someone had too.
Rocket & Groot Steal The Show
That being said, everything about this movie reflects a totally different style then the Marvel movies that have come before it. It sneaks up on you when you least expect it and makes you laugh or (as the kids today say) punches you right in the feels. The movie enjoys being an emotional roller coaster and when all is said and done, you will feel like the entire ride was worth it. Disney and Marvel have succeeded in creating a great, stand alone adventure that can be enjoyed without ever having seen any of the Marvel movies before it...but I dare you not to want to see one after this. Guardians of the Galaxy doesn't take itself too seriously. It knows exactly what it is and what it wants to be, and succeeds in being a good, fun, enjoyable space adventure. In a summer where movies seemed to miss the mark, this one definitely hits its target. The effects are amazing, the acting is not too over the top for a comic book movie, even the soundtrack (70's inspired pop and disco) was infectious. I loved it, and I think you will too.
Want to go this weekend? Order you tickets now from Fandango and beat the crowds!
We would love to hear what you think about Guardians of the Galaxy. Did you see it? Tell us your take on this new story.
Thanks so much to Erik H. for this guest post. Erik is a long time Marvel fan and is a regular contributor for us on the Marvel Universe as well as keeping track of the all things Star Wars. Look for more of his articles in the coming months.
Kristen K. wrote on Mon, 08/11/2014 - 12:48:
Come and get your love... I loved this movie! It was just plain fun. I will admit that I thought Groot & Rocket stole the show. I didn't develop a real emotional connection with this crew, but watching them was a very good time.
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