Coming in 2013 the Walt Disney World Marathon will be celebrating it's 20th Anniversary Race during a fun filled weekend of activities for all ages. Race weekend (January 10th-13th, 2013) hosts fun events for families to enjoy that stress the importance of physical fitness for every age. The weekend starts off with a Disney's Family Fun Run 5K, and the runDisney Kids' Races, then moves to the Half Marathon, and finishes with a full 26.2 Mile Marathon run around the Walt Disney World Property.
Walt Disney World Marathon Starting Line
More people than ever are making the choice to get fit and runDisney, because Disney makes it fun and easy for even the most uninspired (like I was when I first decided to do a Disney race). Last year runDisney added Olympian and true running legend, Jeff Galloway, as it's official coach and his training programs have helped thousands to reach their runDisney goals. Whether you run or walk, Jeff has a training program to get you moving towards your goals!
Official runDisney Training Consultant Jeff Galloway
Registration is open now, so you can sign up now for the biggest runDisney event yet! The 20th Anniversary race will treat participants to more on-course fun and entertainment than ever before! The course snakes through all four Theme Parks with even more characters and a Mile 20 spectacular! What about the Bling you ask? Marathoners will take home the all-new commemorative Mickey Mouse finisher medal.
Marathon Course Runs Through All Four Disney Parks
The 20th Anniversary of the Walt Disney World Marathon is sure to be an event that simply shouldn't be missed. Details on all of the Marathon Weekends events can be found on the runDisney WDW Marathon Website.
Do you runDisney? Leave me a comment and let me know what your goals are! With runDisney there's always a fun new event that will put more magic into every mile than you ever though possible.
Mike wrote on Mon, 04/16/2012 - 14:17:
I have set a goal to run the half-marathon this time around. I am new to running and I have set out to train hard until January.
Kristen K. wrote on Mon, 04/16/2012 - 15:36:
That's fantastic Mike! We've got a new writer that's going to start sharing her runDisney knowledge with us very soon! I'm training for the Princess 1/2 myself! Disney makes it so much fun.
Sheena wrote on Tue, 04/17/2012 - 20:37:
I set a goal to do the Princess Half... It has had to start with weight loss (which I've been trying for awhile) but when my husband saw how serious I was, he said we should not just do the 1/2 marathon but to celebrate, do a big vacation there,(woohoo! Ive been needing to go again for quite some time!!) But now... Plantar factitious... Doc says if I stay off it a month and let it fully heal, I should be good to go! Fingers crossed.... :)
Kristen K. wrote on Thu, 04/19/2012 - 12:05:
Great goal Sheena! My doctor suffers from Plantar factitious. Did your doctor give you some exercises to help with that to help keep it from happening again?
Ann Finkel wrote on Thu, 04/26/2012 - 11:50:
About 2 or 3 years ago I attended a marathon at WDW, not as a participant but as a chearing person (cheering). I had the time of my life. This year I decided to enter the GOOFY'S RACE AND A HALF CHALLENGE. GOOFY is my favorite. I always send him a Valentine card every year. The problem is that I have never participated in a Marathon. Training for it is the way to go. It wouldn't matter to me if I have to be driven to the finish line. As I tell everyone who will listen that what is it all about if not to have fun. At my agte (70) anything goes. This would be a real challenge. Can anyone give me advice, pointers,etc as to how to prepare for it? There are 8 months to go before January 10-13, 2013.
Kristen K. wrote on Thu, 04/26/2012 - 12:45:
Oh my goodness, the Goofy is quite a goal! I'm far from being able to give personal advice on that one. I really suggest reading Jeff Galloway's training plans and advice. He's a great resource!
Lucy wrote on Wed, 05/23/2012 - 20:26:
I'm brand new to running & have signed up for the half in January..!
Blogging about it here:
Heather wrote on Wed, 08/15/2012 - 10:20:
I'm thinking of signing up for the marathon, but looking for another solo female to share a hotel room. Anyone else going solo?
Kristen K. wrote on Wed, 08/15/2012 - 12:21:
Hey Heather! Why not head on over to our forums and post there, you may get more discussion than here on the blog.
elgregor wrote on Tue, 08/28/2012 - 02:16:
Hi Heather!
I'm a solo female looking to share a hotel room that weekend too! I am running the half marathon though.
tiebpake wrote on Mon, 11/19/2012 - 14:04:
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