B.B. Wolf's Sausage Co. in The Town Center at Disney Springs is a Disney owned and operated kiosk serving up gourmet sausages with some serious style. Along with these artisanal dogs, guests can pick up a rather unique sweet snack or dessert offering i the form of Maple Bacon Chocolate-Chip Cookie Dough.
Maple Bacon Chocolate-Chip Cookie Dough
Edible cookie dough is trendy at the moment and Disney has never been one to shy away from a trend. I was pretty excited to try this snack that sounded interesting to me. I love maple bacon, and I love raw chocolate-chip cookie dough so in my head this was going to be a little scoop of heaven. Sadly, I was wrong.
Spoonful of Maple Bacon Chocolate-Chip Cookie Dough
This is a sickeningly sweet and sticky scoop of overly soft cookie dough that doesn't have much depth of flavor in to. The texture was just a mush. Sure there were little chocolate chips inside, but sadly they didn't offer much contrast in flavor or texture. On top was a blob of savory maple bacon that did nothing to enhance the overall experience. Taken on it's own the bacon wasn't bad, but after about three small bites of this snack I cut my loses and called it quits.
There are tons of wonderful sweet treats to be had across Disney Springs, this is just not one of them. Have you tried the Maple Bacon Chocolate-Chip Cookie Dough At B.B. Wolf's Sausage Co? If your experience was better than mine, leave me a comment below and tell me what you liked!
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