A Pirate's Adventure: Treasures of the Seven Seas, the interactive game inspired by the Pirates of the Caribbean film series has officially set sail at the Magic Kingdom. The quest is to save Adventureland while fending off the Royal Navy and Captain Barbossa.
Park guests are Captain Jack Sparrow's new pirate recruits and are armed with magic talismans and treasure maps. Each of the five raids in the game features its own treasure map, and throughout each pirate raid the recruits must use the maps and the talismans to complete their tasks.
Pirate recruits must also prove their worth by collecting valuable treasures and might have a chance to fire a cannon to open a magical treasure chest or find a magical pearl inside a sea shell. Captain Jack's magical compass will also help recruits during their pirate raids. Guest can choose to complete one or more raids. Recruits who are successful in their quests might even earn a spot on Captain Jack's crew.
A Pirate's Adventure: Treasures of the Seven Seas is included in theme park admission.
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Story by Traci C., Source
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