Standing in a long, slow, ride queue at Disney can often be the least enjoyable part of your day; and if you're fatigued from walking around, carrying bags, and dodging tourists, standing in line can increase tension and leave your body feeling depleted.
Take advantage of the queue time to relax and focus on what your body needs. Try these three simple, rejuvenating, yoga poses to help release tension in your shoulders, neck, and upper back.
As with all standing poses, begin with your feet firmly planted in the ground. Lift up through the center of your body up out the top of your head as if you were being lifted up by a string. Keep your chest open and draw your shoulders back slightly for good posture. If the line starts moving, don't worry about it, move with the queue and just pick up the on your next long pause.
Shoulder Shrugs:
Shrug Your Shoulders and Release Tension on Exhale
Neck Stretches:
Gently Stretch Your Neck from Side to Side
Mountain Reach:
Reach High To Relieve Tension in Shoulders
Yoga in the queue can be a fun way to pass the time and stretch your body during a hard day of touring. The simple stretches can be especially helpful for people traveling in spite of chronic pain or muscle and fatigue related illness. These are just a couple of many easy ways to stretch in the queue line. Can you think of others? Leave a comment an let us know how you use your queue time to it's fullest advantage!
Kristen K. wrote on Thu, 10/20/2011 - 22:36:
No comments on my crazy yoga post? Really!? Don't you know how hard it was to get my daughter to pose for those pictures! LOL! SO what do you do when you're waiting in line?
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