Sources Say Disney Family Could Bid On Dodgers

The list of those who could potentially bid on the L.A. Dodgers may include the Disney family. According to sources, the family of the late Roy Disney has turned to their family investment firm manager, Stanley Gold, in an effort to bid on the major league baseball team.

Being an owner of a major sports team is not new for the Disney family; they once owned the Angels before selling the team in 2002.

Roy Disney, the late nephew of Walt Disney, was said to be worth over $1 billion in 2007, according to Forbes. It's not certain what the current status of the Disney family fortune is, however sources are saying that Gold is talking with potential investors. The Dodgers could sell for at least $1.6 billion.

The Disney family joins a list of well known potential bidders which is also rumored to include Magic Johnson and Joe Torre.


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