The Walt Disney Company Launches Disney Accelerator Program for Startups

The Walt Disney Company is launching a mentorship and investment programs for startup companies.

The Disney Accelerator is a three month long program that offers startups the chance to collaborate with mentors including Bob Iger, the chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company in addition to leaders from Pixar, Marvel, Lucasfilm, ESPN, ABC, and more.

Ten startups will be selected to participate in the Disney Accelerator program. Each will receive $120,000 in investment capital. The participants will also have access to Disney resources including stories, characters, and technology.

The program begins June 30 and ends in September when the participants will present their companies and products to investors and industry leaders at Demo Day.

Startups interested in the program can visit the Disney Accelerator website for more details. Applications are being accepted until April 16.

The Disney Accelerator program is based in Los Angeles and will be powered by Techstars. Michael D. Abrams, Disney's senior vice president, Innovation, will oversee the program.


Kristen K. wrote on Tue, 03/04/2014 - 13:43:

Kristen K.'s picture

This is so cool!

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