You know those refillable mugs you can purchase at your Disney resort? They cost around $14 each and allow you unlimited soda pop refills for the length of your stay. Reports are surfacing about these mugs, saying Disney may test out software that would limit some usage of the mugs.
Reportedly, this past Monday was the start date for a trial at Disney's All Star Sports Resort. The test apparently includes the placement of a RFID chip in the soda machines which would limit guests' use of the machines to one minute of refill every five minutes. In addition, the mugs would only "work" at the machines for a specific period of time - meaning older mugs wouldn't be able to be used at a future date.
This need to test a limit on the mugs stems from some guests' practices concerning the mugs. Disney is trying to set boundaries for those guests who might use one Disney mug to refill personal cups of those in their party or for those who would use just personal containers at the drink stations. It also appears they would like guests to purchase a new mug at each visit - and not bring their older mugs back with them.
Disney at this point has not issued an official statement regarding the use of software with refillable mugs.
Mase wrote on Wed, 07/20/2011 - 15:29:
The limit isnt that long from what ive read. Its like a couple minutes. You just cant stand there by the machine and down a cup and then refill it 20 seconds later. Now... still... I dont like that. When im heading back to my room... I always do that... lol
But if they are going to limit us... then these cups need to be MUCH bigger. There is NO reason why we cant have a 32 ounce or 24 ounce option. Im half tempted come November to take my big jug, and pay for my cup, but pour the pop into the disney cup and then dump it into my big jug... lol
worldfanatic wrote on Wed, 07/20/2011 - 18:07:
It's always been really annoying how cheap people bring back mugs from years past and think it's ok to refill them.
I think this is why this change is being considered, not so much to save money, but to avoid annoying those of us who are honest and don't try to take advantage of the situation.
April wrote on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 16:05:
I'm pretty sure Disney (as a corporation) doesn't give a darn about how upset we get at what other people are doing. I've seen more and more and more and more and more "cost cutting" things (like not having ADB pens on ABD trips this year... like now having luggage tags made out of cardboard rather than the bright yellow handle tags from past years... and not having mickey head luggage tags in the gift bags they provide).
ABD trips cost a TRUCK load of money and they are starting to nickle and dime there (really... a 50 cent pen for a $6000 trip?).
It is cost savings.
Think of how many people YOU see using cups from five years ago during this trip... multiple that by however many people they have in their party... times the number of days in a trip times 3 or 4 trips to the soda machine per day... times ten cents per drink if you don't have ice... ice is the most costly part of the drinks... times... whatever... they have to be loosing considerable money on people doing that...
The are a for profit company and while they are good at the touchy feely customer service, they still are MOST concerned with the bottom line and how they can add to that bottom line.
I would love to be able to pay for a cup that I can use the whole calendar year or just for this trip as long as it is for the same resort. Even if it means a sliding scale of cost for the cup... I mean one of the points is that you are being green too... so buying 12 cups for three one week trips through the year is kind of missing that point... or paying 75% for allowing me to use my old cup ($12 instead of $15 or even $10 instead of $15 so I don't have to buy more cups I won't be able to use otherwise) but I do understand where they are coming from and it will make me smile to see someone get turned away with a cup that is either not from Disney or from what is OBVIOUSLY years ago when I am filling my bright shiny new cup.
jeanne wrote on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 16:24:
Sad that a few greedy and cheap people will spoil it for the honest people.
I would never think of doing that, I bought one and my husband also bought his own. Just would not think of buying one and then "cheating"
Gray wrote on Fri, 07/22/2011 - 16:35:
Sad to say, but I don't blame them for feeling they have to do this. I've read numerous reports online by people who cheat the system. This is what happens. A few people spoil it for everyone.
wilson wrote on Wed, 08/01/2012 - 12:20:
splash country in tn right along with dolly wood has a cup just like that you have to wait 5 min they have a option for 14 bucks you get all day free refill or 20 bucks unlimited refill everyday till the end of season .. ... i think it is awesome you dont have to wait in lines for someone else to pour your cup ...
Kay Mariutto wrote on Fri, 08/10/2012 - 18:37:
There are families with several members spending hundreds of dollars a day on meals, park tickets and souvenirs. One of the most touching scenes is a Dad opening his wallet and giving money to waiting little hands. I think the Corporate part of Disney has lost that "Magical Feeling" with the mug issue.
Mammaoka wrote on Tue, 09/11/2012 - 22:04:
Yes, Courtney, they do. We even see folks putting cola into baby beoltts, setting their kids up to spend lots of time in the dental chair. I know milk is expensive, but iced tea slightly sweetened would be a better choice if you are not going to put milk or juice in the bottle. Water would be even better in terms of dental health.Lemonade, a fruit-flavored drink, and iced tea are available at most food court drink stations. We get refillable mugs each trip, even if we aren't getting DP, because we really give them a workout. Coffee, tea and hot chocolate in the morning, Diet Coke, iced tea and lemonade during the day and with meals, and usually one more Diet Coke or hot chocolate before bedtime.So although it is true that you can't use them in the parks, we find that we get at least 4 drinks each per day at our resort, and over the course of a week, it really does save us money to get the mugs. When we are not using a DP, we just order free ice water at CS places in the parks for most meals and save more $ that way.
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