Be Our Guest luncheon invite

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kathys's picture
Joined: 12/01/2013
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Be Our Guest luncheon invite

I thought I had read about this but I can't find the topic so am listing it again. Sorry if it is already out there.
I just got an email inviting me to an exclusive test for lunch at BOG. So how had done this and should I do it? We are already going there for dinner on the Sunday and I know we will have to eat lunch when we are at MK on some of the other days so am curious if we should do lunch as well?




MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
Posts: 9504

Ha ha ha, they are still testing. We did it last year. We were not impressed with the lunch at all, but it was a beta test, with the red rose. Our meal was at our table with in minutes, but it seemed to have been sitting somewhere for a while waiting for us.

It may be better now, I do hear a few folks saying how much they like the lunch, but we'll steer clear for a while until the testing is done.

Ttatink's picture
Joined: 04/13/2014
Posts: 64

I signed up for it since my DH had no interest in dinner but was fine with the lunch. I didn't get an email, just tried the link and it worked. Hopefully it's good! crossfingers

Figments Girl's picture
Joined: 03/22/2014
Posts: 65

I got the invite too and took them up on it since I didn't make my resort reservation far enough in advance to be able to get dinner reservations. I will be there on Thur., 5/15. My time slot is 1:20 - 1:50. Would love to meet up with anyone else who can get there.


oldtink's picture
Joined: 03/11/2014
Posts: 867

DH said that since we had the ADR for dinner there, he wanted to try something else for lunch. MK doesn't have that many appealing TS places for us, but there are sooooo many CS: Cosmic Rays (DH fav), Harbour House, and on and on.


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MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
Posts: 9504

oldtink wrote:
DH said that since we had the ADR for dinner there, he wanted to try something else for lunch. MK doesn't have that many appealing TS places for us, but there are sooooo many CS: Cosmic Rays (DH fav), Harbour House, and on and on.

Did you ever try the Plaza Restaurant? They have really good food. We love their salads.

senseicj's picture
Joined: 10/29/2010
Posts: 807

I could be wrong but from what I could tell by the lunch at BoG is that it is a qs that delivers your meal so most of the stuff is already cooked like any other qs and just delivered to you


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--Walt Disney--



MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
Posts: 9504

senseicj wrote:
I could be wrong but from what I could tell by the lunch at BoG is that it is a qs that delivers your meal so most of the stuff is already cooked like any other qs and just delivered to you


designedbydisney's picture
Joined: 08/24/2013
Posts: 591

Sadly I'm going to point out, that's it's the same at dinner too. The kitchen isn't set up to function as a "proper" ts at night time, it's the same as cosmic rays or paco bills. Just a higher price tag cause the beast is there. I wouldn't waste the money or ts credit on it. The experience of the resturant is amazing and the imagineering is great.... But the food is hit or miss what we got was good but, there is better else where. My advice would be go in at lunch to see the castle order something cheap, maybe just an appetiser or a entree to split if paying out of pocket.

Joined: 08/01/2012
Posts: 2037

Phil I ate at BOG for dinner and my food was very hot and not like it had been sitting under a warming lamp.

MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
Posts: 9504

Dinner is a big difference for the lunch in my opinion. The steaks have been awesome and the mussels are fabulous.