In February, I'm headed to a business conference in Anaheim just down the road from Disneyland. I booked 4 days at the Disneyland Hotel prior to the conference, and I'm really excited! I am however already starting to freak out over what to wear to the conference. As a writer, my wardrobe consists largely of jeans and jammies - I mean seriously, one of the best parts about working from home is that I live in yoga pants. This conference is kind of a big one for me and holds the potential for me to make some really key contacts. The previous conferences that I've been to have all called for business casual attire. This one however, I'm just not sure how to dress for.
I know that several of you have to travel for business and attend conferences. I'm sure you're much more well versed on making key contacts face to face than I am. I figured that I have about 10 seconds to make a great first impression. What should I wear?!