Hi there, friends!
After comparing the quality of my pictures to the beautiful photos that I have seen others posting (and even comparing how they looked on my camera screen to how they look on my computer--yikes!), I am in the market for a new camera before our April trip. Preferably something I can get at Best Buy bc Benn has so very graciously offered to sacrifice the lot of his Christmas gift cards to the cause. So let the recommendations commence!
I know basically jack about cameras. I understand zooming, but focusing and dials and lenses and things are beyond the scope of my camera operating ability. I'm looking for something that is as simple to operate as possible (think point and shoot) with priority placed on crispness (if that's a thing) of the photo and performance in low light conditions. (My iphone camera takes better nighttime pictures than my 12.1MP Sony Cybershot that I got for Christmas in...2009ish?) I'm looking for something reasonably small and light with a small strap. I like to keep it around my wrist for the bulk of the day. On this trip, I did 2400 pictures in 11 days. Most of that was just doing volume so that I would hopefully get a few decent shots to turn out because I know that the camera has seen better days.
Thanks for your help!!
Be good at something. It makes you valuable. Have something to bring to the table because that will make you more welcome. --Randy Pausch
Trip Reports:
December 2013: 10th Anniversary, 1st DVC Stay | April 2014: Birthday on the Boardwalk | May 2014: Star Wars Weekend, Navigating WDW with a wheelchair | August 2014: Villains Unleashed | September/October 2014: MNSSHP, F&W, Tower of Terror 10-miler | March/April 2015: Disneyland and California Coastal Cruise | November 2015: Wine & Dine Half, Food & Wine, 1st Disney Cruise | February 2016: Presidential Classic Gymnastics Meet | March 2016: "Work" Trip, Tours, F&G Festival | April 2016: Conference at Disneyland | Fall 2016: Festive Fall Fun | January 2017: Festival of the Arts | May 2017: AbD Backstage Magic | July 2017: AbD San Francisco | Sorry I had to give up doing trip reports. Too many time commitments right now.