YES! You read that right! LOL
My parents are official in Disney World using the other half of the DVC points we share at Animal Kingdom. They told me they got a Savana view, so they are VERY excited. But anyways... for the cool part!
My Dad was one of the few (sarcasm) that got an iPad 2. Well... he doesnt own an iPhone, but the new iPad has front and rear facing cameras which means he can Face Time. He didnt get one with a cell chip in it, so he uses his cell phone for internet when they are out and about. Well... this is what he did!
After that we said bye and such, and five minutes later, got a FT call from him again:
I got to watch the WHOLE Offkilter show! In the middle of it, the guitarist asked my Dad what he was reading. After the show, he went up to him said he was being broadcast to me in Ohio! He was very excited to know that someone was a fan and watched them from Ohio!
So yeah... I got a little taste of Disney from the comforts of our home!
- 2013 Trip Report!
- My Int3ractiv3 Trip R3port '12 - CLICK HERE!
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