Something that has been a long time coming was finalized today.
We canceled our trip in June...for a few reasons..they all make sense but they make me sad.
We canceled it mostly because when we planned the trip Holden was a bouncing bubbly 8 month old who loved his stroller and was an absolute joy in public. Fast forward 8 months later and now we have a 16 month old who can barley sit still long enough to bathe..hates his stroller and would rather run around in circles that walk or be pushed anywhere. This is the main reason..other reasons include that we planned the trip for the day after school let out..and thanks to the THREE Snow Days we had we would have had to push back the date. That would be an easy fix but we decided to wait until he's a little older and a little less..oh I don't know..crazy in public. I'm sad but I don't think we would really enjoy ourselves either.
The I have all the money we saved for a trip to spend..haha!