Having a very rare "snow" day here in Texas...school was cancelled! So what better is there to do than put a fire in the fireplace and plan some more of our Disney vacation! Just makes me more excited
Having a very rare "snow" day here in Texas...school was cancelled! So what better is there to do than put a fire in the fireplace and plan some more of our Disney vacation! Just makes me more excited
School was canceled here too, but the storm hasn't materialized quite the way they had anticipated. We were borderline anyway, but our superintendent fell to pressure...the teachers were pushing for a half day (we were at the top of the snowline), so we didn't have it to make up...now we've had an unnecessary day off but will pay for it later. On the otherhand, Atlanta wasn't supposed to get any snowy weather and they got hit with it...pretty bad. They didn't close their schools and by the time they realized that it was zapping them, it was too late for some of the buses to get the students home...kids are stranded at school...overnight. We're getting the winter mix now, so tomorrow will be another 'snow day'.
I spent most of today planning our March Disney trip. I guess I'll use tomorrow working on the September trip.
A lot of schools in Pa are having "snow days". It's more the cold then the snow.
Here in Wisconsin the schools were closed due to the extreme cold.
Yep. NC we released early today and tomorrow is an optional teacher workday. I will def. be "opting out"....
Yep. NC we released early today and tomorrow is an optional teacher workday. I will def. be "opting out"....
Atlanta area also early released today, already out for tomorrow, and wondering if it will melt enough for Thursday. Doing some Disney dreaming in my spare time.
We just got word that school isn't cancelled tomorrow but we do have a two hour delay so any ice on the roads can melt. We don't do snow and ice well in the Houston area.
We've had so many snow and cold days off that my boys have already lost MLK and President's day, thank goodness for my Disney and Pixar movie collection.
August 2016 here we come!
Well, we're out today and there is about 2 inches of snow on the ground. Roads seem clear but it's black ice, so everything is shutdown at the moment. My DIL and GSs have just moved back to Georgia from New Mexico, and they were used to a bit more snow than what we have. They're a bit bored, so I suggested that she gather all her blankets and let them build an indoor fort, so far so good. I'm playing with Disney stuff on my computer. We may not have school tomorrow or the teachers may report and not the kids, so I don't know what I'm doing tomorrow yet...but I'll enjoy Disney today.
We weren't supposed to get anything but a dusting and got caught off guard as we got 1-2 inches yesterday. We had hundreds of wrecks because of it...long day.
Here in MI, they have already had 8 snow days since Christmas! It is so crazy to me because I think the entire time I was in middle school and high school we had 8 snow days total. However, it has also been below freezing for the entire month of January so far with many days below zero so I guess I understand. Just makes me want to get to Disney now LOL.
You and me both!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
August 2016 here we come!
We weren't supposed to get anything but a dusting and got caught off guard as we got 1-2 inches yesterday. We had hundreds of wrecks because of it...long day.
With the kind of winter we're having, that *would* be a dusting! More snow predicted tomorrow night, right through Saturday.
I would *so* rather be at WDW!
Time marches on. Eventually you realize it's doing it across your face.
I thinking about running away from home and moving there!
August 2016 here we come!