What's the Craziest Thing You've Seen at Disney

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Courtney's picture
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My little guy gets spooked really easily, that harness has kept him from taking off more than once. He is also a very large & strong child, if he decided to take off, I doubt I could hold him back. he turned 3 in march, he wears size 6 clothes.

We don't really use it anymore, he listens better now. but they are not just to keep him from taking off, they prevent kids from being taken as well.

My parents use a harness on me, and I am a very well adjusted adult. The important thing is to use the ones that go around the chest. I remember seeing the wrist band ones years ago and thinking that's a good way to break an arm.


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Miss Mikki's picture
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I think people have a false sense of security when they are in Disney, overall Disney is a safe and well-run place but there will always be criminals and people with inappropriate motivations in any environment where there are human beings, I am not a parent but as an ex-cast member, I can say that there is a small minority of people who are visiting Disney for the wrong reasons so I would advise keeping young kids well supervised.


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Karlipants's picture
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We were walking around WS one of the days on our honeymoon and because I was so sick during that part of our trip I had to constantly stop and get water. Well, we stopped at the gelato stand in Italy so I could rehydrate... when we were bombarded with this lady that had like 5 kids... I had already received my water and was waiting patiently in line to pay while she ordered what seemed like 10 gelato's for her family... And when it was finally my turn to pay she was practically in front of me... I managed to squeeze my way up to the counter to give the guy 2 bucks for my water and she proceeded to throw her hands up at me and give me a dirty look and made some sort of obnoxious noise... I was SO mad... But kept my cool, walked away, and proceeded to complain to my husband about it for 5 minutes. I can't stand when people are rude like that... And completely unaware of their surroundings. I could have easily walked away with the water... But being the honest person I am, I payed... And got scrutinized by some mean jerky lady who was trying to cut in front of me.


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JMUDukz's picture
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Miss Mikki wrote:
I think people have a false sense of security when they are in Disney, overall Disney is a safe and well-run place but there will always be criminals and people with inappropriate motivations in any environment where there are human beings, I am not a parent but as an ex-cast member, I can say that there is a small minority of people who are visiting Disney for the wrong reasons so I would advise keeping young kids well supervised.

Agreed. People seem so shocked when something goes wrong at Disney, but just because it's Disney-related doesn't mean that castmembers or guests are all without bad intentions. T


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Eddie G.'s picture
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I have been blessed to spend a lot of time at Disney and have seen some pretty crazy things. Some off the top of my head.

Standing in line for the busses after Illuminations one night at EPCOT in the mid-90's. I witnessed two grown "men" get into a fist fight over who should be allowed on the bus ahead of their families. Being a bigger (and much more fit guy back then), I helped the bus driver and Disney security guys break the two men apart and hold them off of each other. They were arrested I can assure you of that.

In 2000, when my dad and I went down for the millennium celebration....We were sitting at the U.K. having a pint outside just people watching. And met a nice couple from England whom we sat and talked with a few hours it seemed. All of a sudden, a squirrel came out of one of the bushes and bit the guy from England on the hand. Bad enough to require stiches as he we saw him a few days later, at the pub again. Which I thought was pretty crazy in and among of it's itself to see them again to begin with. Let alone a squirrel attack.

In 2008, my wife and I witnessed a father quite literally move his child by grabbing his son's armpit with one hand and his hair by the other. Pick him up a good two feet off the ground by his arm AND hair, to move him when he did not want to move watching a the parade at Animal Kingdom. I had never seen anything quite like that. We really didn't know what to do or say.

Two years a go, a family outside of the 50's Prime Time Cafe was in a little tiff with each other. In which the mother was arguing with her I assume daughter, about what time their reservations were. She then turned back around to confront her daughter yet again on the time. Poked her daughter in the face very hard, at least three times with her finger and proclaimed for all to hear, "If my (F'ing) dumb (A double Drunk daughter could tell time, we could all eat tonight. Sorry folks. She F'ed it up for everyone yet again." A true class act for all children who were around at the time to witness.

Same trip two years ago. We were on the monorail after leaving MK one very late night. A few (older then me) women were loading into the same car as us, carrying their small children who were out like a light. As is such many of nights on the monorail from the parks. (tooting my own horn here) I gave up my seat to one of the women to sit as she was pretty much out on her feet as well. I stood all day, what was 20 more minutes going to hurt me. There set two other men right next to these women, who didn't so much as look their way...Or even bother to even offer their seats up. All they could do was sit there and complain about how the strollers took up too much room on "this thing" (Monorail) for people to NOT have their kids in them. That sent another man on the other side of the car off his hinges. He went tearing into those two men for a good four or five minutes. Everyone in the car was applauding the guy when he was done. Those two guys who did not offer their seats, couldn't get out of that car fast enough when we got to the T&TC.


~Eddie G.
Fla. Res. AP Holder Since 1989
404 Days at Disney World & Counting



Eddie G.'s picture
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Double post. Sorry. Could someone delete one of those for me? Thanks in advance.


~Eddie G.
Fla. Res. AP Holder Since 1989
404 Days at Disney World & Counting



Mase's picture
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Im a mullet fanatic. Seriously... ask my wife and friends. So happy we have cameras in cell phones now! But anyways... its very rare that you see this anymore....

Has to be one of my best finds.


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MrHub's picture
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Eddie G. wrote:
Double post. Sorry. Could someone delete one of those for me? Thanks in advance.


kywildcatchick's picture
Joined: 03/30/2013
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We saw so many teenagers sitting in the bathrooms charging phones. I wanted to say "You are at Disney! Put the phones away!!"


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Kristen K.'s picture
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kywildcatchick wrote:
We saw so many teenagers sitting in the bathrooms charging phones. I wanted to say "You are at Disney! Put the phones away!!"

Okay... I need to stick up for the kids on this one. If they were there with their family those phones may very well have been the only quick line of communication with their parents. I would MUCH rather see kids charging their phones in the bathrooms than think that they missed their check ins or a meet up with their parents. For my family, everyone having a phone with them is vital and allows for us to go off and do our own things.

We had phone problems on my last vacation. At one point my youngest daughter got lost and her phone wasn't getting a signal through to me, not good. There was another point where one of the kids that was with us let his cell battery die and his Mom couldn't reach him, even worse. In both cases the kids were safe and could get back to their hotel rooms without a problem. But that doesn't help the panic of a Mom who is trying to get a hold of her child and suddenly can't.

I say let the kids charge away in the bathrooms, at least they are being responsible enough to keep in contact.

JMUDukz's picture
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Also, phones are cameras these days, which eats the batteries like you wouldn't believe. My batteries on my phone and camera died when I was in London in December and I would have paid for a charger (and a voltage converter!) but instead I had to buy disposable cameras which turned out horrible pictures. So I have to join Kristen in sticking up for them! I'd hate to think this was their first Disney trip and they couldn't tweet their memories!! Lol. Disney may come and go, but social media makes it FOREVER!!

Also, some of these stories really make me believe that some people just shouldn't be allowed to have children!!


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disneydoc's picture
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yep, I used to be a phone hater too till I got my I Phone (5) last month. Wow, it was so awesome to call Julie for a meet up, talk to my daughter in Chicago, check wait times, make a ressie for my November trip while sitting in the Nemo show waiting for it to begin. And oh yes, reading this board. mickey


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crazycatperson's picture
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Kristen K. wrote:
kywildcatchick wrote:
We saw so many teenagers sitting in the bathrooms charging phones. I wanted to say "You are at Disney! Put the phones away!!"

Okay... I need to stick up for the kids on this one. If they were there with their family those phones may very well have been the only quick line of communication with their parents. I would MUCH rather see kids charging their phones in the bathrooms than think that they missed their check ins or a meet up with their parents...I say let the kids charge away in the bathrooms, at least they are being responsible enough to keep in contact.

I can see charging in the bathroom as a last resort, but the really responsible thing would be to make sure your phone is fully charged every morning. I had a little run-in with hubby a few years back on this very issue. At the time he and I had identical phones. At WDW, I always make sure I plug mine in every night so it will be fully charged the next day. So we get to Magic Kingdom, and hubby asks for my charger. Which I did not have on me because, hello, my phone was fully charged. And he got pissed at me for not anticipating that he would let his phone die and being prepared with MY charger when he needed it. Now we don't have the same phone, so if his dies at least he can't blame me.

MrHub's picture
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Well CCP, you must not know much about smart phones then, because depending on what you do, you can run down the batteries pretty quickly if your posting to twitter, FB, uploading photos and videos, taking pictures & videos, streaming on the web, checking apps, this all uses a lot of juice. I can delete my phone once, recharge with the extra battery pack I have once and still have a near dead battery by the time I get back to my room, so being "The responsible thing" has nothing to do with it. And I don't post all the stuff to Facebook & Twitter like a lot of people do.

Kristen K.'s picture
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crazycatperson wrote:
I can see charging in the bathroom as a last resort, but the really responsible thing would be to make sure your phone is fully charged every morning.

I know for a fact the one boy's phone was charged up before he left in the morning because he used my charger. Mr Hub is totally on point - it all depends one what you're doing with your phone.

kywildcatchick's picture
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I agree with everyone on the points made. I probably should have clarified that the dad had sent me in the bathroom to check on the girls who had been in there over an hour and frustrated that they were more interested in talking to the boyfriends and pals at home than Disney.

I am a mom too and totally get the keeping connected and taking pics. I too post on twitter and Facebook. Didn't mean to get everyone upset. Sorry!!


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MrHub's picture
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Oh god, no body's upset kywildcatchick, I just wanted to explain that batteries die fast now on phones. I used to be able to go for days with my old flip phone before I charged it, but I didn't have Internet, do FB, upload pictures, ect. ect. I have to carry two power packs with me now at Disney.

crazycatperson's picture
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mrhub wrote:
crazycatperson wrote:
I can see charging in the bathroom as a last resort, but the really responsible thing would be to make sure your phone is fully charged every morning. I had a little run-in with hubby a few years back on this very issue. At the time he and I had identical phones. At WDW, I always make sure I plug mine in every night so it will be fully charged the next day. So we get to Magic Kingdom, and hubby asks for my charger. Which I did not have on me because, hello, my phone was fully charged. And he got pissed at me for not anticipating that he would let his phone die and being prepared with MY charger when he needed it. Now we don't have the same phone, so if his dies at least he can't blame me.

Well CCP, you must not know much about smart phones then, because depending on what you do, you can run down the batteries pretty quickly if your posting to twitter, FB, uploading photos and videos, taking pictures & videos, streaming on the web, checking apps, this all uses a lot of juice. I can delete my phone once, recharge with the extra battery pack I have once and still have a near dead battery by the time I get back to my room, so being "The responsible thing" has nothing to do with it. And I don't post all the stuff to Facebook & Twitter like a lot of people do.

You are absolutely correct, I don't have a smart phone. Even with regular use, even with taking photos, my phone has no trouble maintaining a charge all day. But during the trip I mentioned above, hubby also didn't have a smart phone. So the predicament was in no way a result of using a lot of juice, it was a result of not plugging the &@#! phone in the night before.

But for kids with smart phones who can't resist non-stop texting and tweeting and sending photos to the friends back home, charging in the bathroom is probably better than risking the parents not being able to reach them.

disneydoc's picture
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while we are on a phone roll, my pet peeve is those folks who must do all that checking and flashing in dark attractions. Please folks, dark is dark for a reason. It is so distracting, and kinda disrespectful to those around you.

The CMs tried so hard to ask folks not to do this in shows, but folks would still just openly defy them and flash away. sad


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Courtney's picture
Joined: 12/02/2011
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I think I may have told this story before on here. We were in line for POTC, I can not remember if it was DL or WDW, we did both that year. its the one where the line up passes right my the boats waiting to unload, I am leaning more towards DL.
we had a very rowdy group of young teens in front of us in line, we were hoping we did not get stuck with them, but we did, just us at the very back, with the rest of the boat full of this group. they were standing up, splashing, yelling etc, the ride was stopped twice to give warnings.
After the second time, it got worse, they actually had the boat rocking on the rails. My DH looked up at the wall and mouthed the words Help Us. within 5 seconds the ride was stopped again, and a cast member popped out of a hidden door. the entire group was escorted out, we had to climb over the seats to move to the middle of the boat to keep it balanced.

Boy did we get some interesting looks, when we passed by the waiting line in an almost empty boat. We say other members of this group later on(same T-shirts), and heard them talking about part of the group being kicked out of the park. clapping clapping


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Courtney's picture
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I also love people watching there, nothing like seeing someone in stilettos, full make-up & big hair after a trip down splash mountain. laugh

It makes me sad to see kids wearing cheap flip-flops. They are usually dragging their poor little feet, and grumpy. Disney is a place for comfortable shoes with support.


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angels444's picture
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Our last Disney trip there was a lady following her husband/BF. She nagged him, criticized him and put him down every time we we were around them. The first time we were in line with them she was nagging him. I can't remember what she was saying but I felt embarrassed for him. She was just being rude. You know how you have that certain family or couple you seem to run into through out your vacation. Bumping into to each other on and off. I would not have noticed them except for her rudeness to him. We saw them on and off for a few days. If I remember correctly they were at out hotel. Epcot was the worse that I could remember. He was so beaten down you could see it in his eyes that he wasn't having fun. After listening to her in a few long lines I want to ask him why he put up with it . Even J said I would kill her if I was married to her. She was rude, degrading, and it just went one and on every time we saw them.


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pinkflamingotravel's picture
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We talked to a dad at Animal Kingdom Lodge' s pool and he started talking about what he called Disney Rage. He talked more about parents who hit their limit with their kids and they would start talking loudly (short of yelling) and their veins would stick out of their necks. Maybe all of these people had Disney Rage and maybe it should be covered by health insurance. Angry

Mandy's picture
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I saw a child on a leash that looks like it was intended for a dog. I don't mind the ones that look like book bag. I understand not losing your children.

I was assigned to the one restroom right by Tower of Tower. It was a semi tough day because there were a ton of tour groups that day and it rained a little bit as well. Our stock closet is by the phones and AED. My partner and I had to ask just about every time we wanted into the closet for guests to move out of our way. Some guests leaned against the door and when we opened it, they gave us dirty looks. My partner even posted a sign on the door asking guests to stand clear of the door. I get dirty looks when a restroom is very busy and I'm tiring to make sure everything is clean because I'm taking up a stall that somebody could be using.

My boyfriend and I were in line for POTC a few months back when they were refurbing the one side of the entrance. The cms were asking everyone to fill in all available space and that's we did when someone tapped on my shoulder then proceeded to say that we were cutting the line. Mind you we were just outside before we entered into the attraction queue that was inside. Anyway when we got to where you could see the loading zone, we could choose which way to go. My boyfriend and I went the opposite direction of the group that said we were cutting. Needless to say, we got on the ride 5 minutes before they did.

Kristen K.'s picture
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Mandy wrote:
I get dirty looks when a restroom is very busy and I'm tiring to make sure everything is clean because I'm taking up a stall that somebody could be using.

Though I can understand how difficult it is to wait sometimes... I have happy to have cast members like you doing their job keeping the potties pretty and clean and fresh with well stocked supplies!! You can sneak in there in front of me anytime Mandy.

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I hate it when people try to stand in a line when they tell you to fill in all space. It's NOT a line, like for the movies when all the doors open and you choose one. People think you're cutting but actually you are following directions and at the end it doesn't matter! I hate it too when you go into a theater and are told to go to the end of the row but people stop in the middle anyway. Most theaters there is not a bad seat in the house, and people don't think the rules are meant for them!

There were many VERY LARGE international tour groups when we were there, and they can be obnoxious with the chanting and singing. Also there were several times when rude people were pushy and shoved up close to cut in front of us. It's hard to keep a group of 6 or 7 together when people are so pushy. I don't mind foreigners enjoying our park, glad they are here spending their $, but sometimes it's annoying when they don't know our cultural "personal space" rule, or just don't get being courteous. Seems like it happened a lot to us last week, but we chose not to let it bother us. It's a fact that some people are just rude and I refuse to let it ruin my fun.



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Allie's picture
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Julie wrote:
I hate it too when you go into a theater and are told to go to the end of the row but people stop in the middle anyway. Most theaters there is not a bad seat in the house, and people don't think the rules are meant for them!

Oh my gosh, this drives me absolutely insane!!!!

Eeyore's picture
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Allie wrote:
Julie wrote:
I hate it too when you go into a theater and are told to go to the end of the row but people stop in the middle anyway. Most theaters there is not a bad seat in the house, and people don't think the rules are meant for them!

Oh my gosh, this drives me absolutely insane!!!!

Ditto. The two worst attractions for this is It's Tough to Be a Bug and Monster's Inc! People stop after the CM is repeating for them to keep going. We had to crawl over people to get to end...

Of course I make sure I bitch loudly enough as I crawl over their laps! That just chaps my butt!

Mandy's picture
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On my way to work, I saw a parking lot tram driving somewhere out of the parking lot!

A couple days ago, it was one of the last elevators for ToT that night and these guests decided it was a good idea to prop up there legs once the doors closed. The ride stopped due to it. The family that was following the rules, got a chance to ride it.

On a cold winter night when the heater was broken for the Hippy Dippy pool at PC, this kid decided to just jump in without testing the waters first. As soon as he came up, he started screaming bloody murder because it was soo cold. All the cms including the lifeguards were laughing because we knew what was coming.

Becks534's picture
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Courtney wrote:
I think I may have told this story before on here. We were in line for POTC, I can not remember if it was DL or WDW, we did both that year. its the one where the line up passes right my the boats waiting to unload, I am leaning more towards DL.

That reminds me, I have a POTC story from our wedding trip. We were sitting just behind a couple and their child and the dad is taking pictures of the mom and kid (with flash) through the entire loading process and the initial scenes. Okay, fine....Except for the whole "please, no flash photography" thing. The constant flashes were actually getting pretty painful to the eye when we get to the big battle scene. Once again, the dad is flashing away! waiting Carlos leans forward and very nicely asks the guy to please turn the flash off, since it's quite distracting, etc. The guy looks back at Carlos and says "I don't speak English" with a fairly heavy Spanish accent. Nice try, pal. Carlos responds, "Oh si? *Spanishspanishspanish*" My hubs is bilingual and yet probably speaks better English than I do. In any case, our eyeballs were spared from Flashy Guy for the rest of the ride.