We all know that a trip to the vacation kingdom of the world doesn't always bring out the best in everyone. What's the craziest thing that you've seen guests doing at Disney?
We all know that a trip to the vacation kingdom of the world doesn't always bring out the best in everyone. What's the craziest thing that you've seen guests doing at Disney?
When we were at the MNSSHP and were in line for one of the trick or treat trails, a mom and her son cut in line right in front of us (and about 20 other families) as we getting up to the front. My DH said (not too softly) "No, no, come right in. None of us were waiting." The mom turned around and tore him a new one, then got directly behind us in line (still cutting off the 20 some families behind us) and continued to berate us though the entire rest of the trail for being two adults trick or treating and worrying about ourselves more then her son's happiness. We just ignored her as she continued to set a terrible example for her kid, but finally the two older women (also there without any kids) turned around and told her to take it easy and that none of the 4 of us really cared about the fact that she was cutting in line in front of two adults but rather that she was cutting off a line of kids as well that had been waiting their turn like they were supposed to. The mom continued scowling and huffing the rest of the trail but at least she stopped talking!
January 2020 Trip Report - Riviera Resort
June 2019 Trip Report - Caribbean Beach & Saratoga Springs
October 2018 Trip Report - Contemporary Resort
July 2018 - All Star Movies
April 2018 Trip Report - Art of Animation
Jan 2018 Trip Report - Port Orleans Riverside and Animal Kingdom Lodge
Nov 2017 Trip Report - Boardwalk Villas
Feb 2017 Trip Report - Port Orleans French Quarter
Apr 2016 Trip Report - Pop Century
Dec 2015 Trip Report - All Star Sports & Saratoga Springs
Sept 2014 Trip Report - Coronado Springs
Oct 2012 Trip Report - Caribbean Beach Resort
Last fall at the F & W, outside the German Pavilion. We were just sitting people watching, and a couple came and sat just across from us. The guy had bought one of those humongous glass beer things, took one taste, and decided he didn't like it. His lady proceeded to yell at him that she didn't care if it tasted like (something unmentionable!), he was going to sit there and drink the thing if it choked him! I went to get some napkins, etc., came back, and she was STILL yelling at him! We thought it was noisy, but hilarious, and he did get offers from passersby to finish it for him!
I told Peter to remember that scene anytime he thought I was being a little testy with him.
Time marches on. Eventually you realize it's doing it across your face.
We were walking around Epcot a couple days after the F&W festival ended and were looking at the menu of one of the closed booths. While we were standing there, we could hear another couple arguing (while, it was actually just the woman doing the talking) and I heard an F bomb drop so I looked over. Just as I did she slapped him and i mean slapped him across the face It was night and most people were waiting for illuminations to start and this couple was off to the side so I don't think many other people witnessed it. I bet they heard it though! After the slap she stormed off and he slowly followed but not before apologizing to us serveral times since he knew we saw. I must say he took it like a champ. He didn't yell or anything, he just calmly left. He did seem to be pretty embarassed. Oh and did i mention this was all in front of their child who was in a stroller! I hope the child was sleeping and didn't see that!
A few years ago my husband and I were waiting in line at a quick service and an elderly couple cut right in front of us. We just looked at each other in surprise when the man turned around looked at my husband and said, "it's ok, we're senior citizens." Like that was supposed to make it acceptable. Well apparently our line wasn't moving fast enough becuase they wandered over to another line and a little further up and pulled the same routine but this time the couple had 2 small childeren!
Oh my gosh!! I am so surprised at these stories!
I have never witnessed things as drastic as full blow arguments (let alone slapping) in disney!
the most I've ever seen is the occasional child getting told off but very subtly i must say!
I can't imagine what would make me SO mad whilst on holiday to have full blown arguments in public!
And queue cutters!! well they make me madder than anything! I wouldn't have the guts to boldly go and stand in front of other people!
The worst thing is these incidents really put a downer on surrounding families holidays
A couple of years ago, my friends and I were finishing dinner at The Brown Derby. A woman at a near by table started complaining to her waitress. I didn't hear what she was complaining about but my friend did and said it was because she had to wait for her table. Then she started yelling at the waitress and calling her a "stupid bitch". That I heard - all three times she said it. As we were leaving the manager was at her table.
The next night we were in line to enter MK. My friend said to me "isn't that the lady from last night?" I turned and said no. Then I heard her and turned around further. Yep, it was her and she was complaining about something. We had to stop at Guest Services to ask a question when we got into the park.
I'll give you one guess as to who was there complaining.
A few years ago after wishes we were in the mad crush to get out of the park and there was a woman and her child yelling at people to hurry up as her child was tired, thirsty, hungry and needed to get out. The girl was probably about 8 years old and holding her mums hand. She was SO obnoxious and rude. She was telling people to 'get a move on' 'get out of her way' and to 'stop chatting and more walking'! This was all the way down Main Street and onto the monorail. She was pushing people and weaving in and out of people to get there faster. We were on the same monorail as her and we walked all the way down Main Street with her so all her ranting and raving got her no where. The worst bit about all of this? She was British, I was ashamed to be British that day. Everyone was talking about her or exchanging looks. She was like a mad woman!
I think that's the only bad thing that comes to mind, seen children being told off before but I'm sure most of the time they have needed it also seen the odd barney (hell, it's been us at one point or other
) but nothing that stands out in my mind.
Our Very Merry 24 nighter Nov/Dec 15
Watson's go West May 15
The one with all the birthdays Oct 14 4 Big Birthdays and a Vow Renewal thrown in
The OMG trip June 14 30th Birthday present from the hubs
Girly trip March 14 A last min cheapy week
September 13 our first all DVC stay
TR May 2013 the last min bargain trip offsite
Oct 2012 TR with a cruise!big family trip featuring the beach club, AKL, the dream and a villa offsite
TR on a budget May - June 2011offsite condo
TR Sept - Oct 2010 big family trip in an offsite villa
Two years ago after The Magic, the Memories and You. It was a stampede getting back down mainstreet. So many people were just literally walking and running over little kids and people in wheel chairs, it was embarrassing. We tried to help where we could so the wheel chairs could get off the curbs and such, but I was ashamed at humanity.
The other crazy thing I saw as at Disney Paris (well, I saw a lot of crazy things, but some of them I think are cultural, like not respecting my personal space and standing on the hem of my jeans!). The "American" buffet which is really a Tex-Mex buffet. Made my fajitas, slapped on some cheese, some salsa, some sour cream....oh wait, that's MAYO!! Who puts mayo on a Tex-Mex fajita bar!! Apparently the French do.....
Last year at MNSSHP we were waiting in line to see Hook. (He's hands down my favorite villian and I was sooo excited to finally meet him) This mom and her daughter cut in front of us...and about 50 other people. We politely told her there was a line if she wanted to meet Hook. She proceded to yell at me in Spanish..and with my limited Spanish skills I picked out that she thought she could cut because she had a daughter. I reminded her that there were other children too..nicely might I add. She continued to yell at me, then got out of line and went over to get her husband and, I kid you not, 6 other children. We told the husband there was a line and he started yelling at us in Spanish. I said that for me to understand what his problem was I needed English. So then he started making fun of me for not making Spanish. At this point everyone around us was peeved at them. The lady in front of them told the Character Host when we got to Hook that they had cut. This poor young guy then told them that cutting wasnt allowed (In Spanish might I add) and to let us go up. They refused to let us past. So Hook saw this walked over, reached through them, grabbed my hand, pulled me over, and handed my camera to the family behind us. It was awesome. And the cutters faces were priceless. Needless to say the Character Host got a guest compliment at City Hall from us.
Whooo hoo! Great job from those Cast Members RyRy
I've been trying to figure out what the craziest thing I've seen is, and it's got to be seeing people switching ride vehicles is the middle of the attraction. I've seen this twice that I can remember, both times it was young men, both times at least 20 years ago. I don't mean to offend men in general, but sometimes guys, when you're young and in groups critical thinking skills are not the best.
Once I saw a guys switch vehicles in the Haunted Mansion. I don't remember exactly what spot we were in but it was in one of those places that your car swings around (attic maybe?) and you get a glimpse of the other car. There the guy was climbing on the outside of the doom buggy. It was crazy and I honestly don't think any cast members saw because I expected the ride to stop or an announcement, security at the end, but there was nothing.
The other time was on Small World and the boats were at high capacity, everything was backed up at the end and they were bumping into each other and I saw a young guy climb from one to the other. That one got a "Please remain in your ride vehicles" announcement.
Definitely the craziest thing I've seen at Disney was the guy ahead of me on Rock'n'rollercoaster - he got out of the carriage at the end of the ride, took no more than three steps along the platform and faceplanted. No hesitation, no hands out to stop his fall, just step step TIMBERRRRRR, straight down.
No, he wasn't badly hurt.
Yes, it was hilarious.
The craziest thing I have seen happened to me.
We had just gotten off Kilimanjaro Safari and were back at our stroller. We had parked near the entrance to the Wildlife Express Train. Of course, the strollers had all been rearranged to fill gaps, nothing out of the ordinary. DH and I and our 2 DD's had gone down the row to pull our stroller out. I was holding the 9 Month old, who was asleep, and just waiting for DH to move the stroller enough for me to get her in. No one was in the row, just us, otherwise I would have had him move it all the way out. As I was walking up to the stroller, I had DD out away from my body because I was positioning her in my arms carefully, so I could place her in the stroller without waking her.
All of a sudden she is slammed in the head by a stroller that a man had run up to get. He picked it up and swung around, huffing at us. So, I say, as sarcastically as I could, EXCUSE YOU! He turned to me and started almost asking me for a fight, without actually asking for a fight. Him and his wife have a very thick accent, German or Russian? The wife starts yelling at me after I mentioned that he just hit my baby with his stroller, to which they both start talking about how rude Americans are. So the wife and I are yelling at each other about who is more rude. I kept asking her if she would be mad if someone hit her kid in the head with a stroller. I tried my best to explain to her that in America, when space is already occupied by someone, it can't be occupied by something else. I asked her how it worked in her Country, if more than one thing could occupy the exact same space. Maybe that was rude of me. OOPS!
They walked off all mad. My BABY got hit by their stroller, and I am the rude American. Don't mess with my kids!
I should mention, thankfully, that DD was in a medical helmet. Her head needed some reshaping, so she wore a helmet for about 9 Months. So it probably would have been a lot worse if her head was not protected when it got hit with the stroller.
The comments that I got about the helmet while at WDW are another crazy thing that I got to deal with. You can figure out what kind of comments they were by this response: NO, I am not afraid that she is going to hurt her head while she crawls around. I am not a bad parent because she is in the helmet. I understand that children get bumps and bruises while they are learning to cruise and walk. Thank you for judging me without even considering that the helmet might be for a medical issue.
Oh my gosh!! I am so surprised at these stories!
I have never witnessed things as drastic as full blow arguments (let alone slapping) in disney!
the most I've ever seen is the occasional child getting told off but very subtly i must say!
I can't imagine what would make me SO mad whilst on holiday to have full blown arguments in public!
And queue cutters!! well they make me madder than anything! I wouldn't have the guts to boldly go and stand in front of other people!
The worst thing is these incidents really put a downer on surrounding families holidays
Unfortunately I feel like for a lot of families, they consider Disney a once in a lifetime trip and therefor feel they are entitled to get the best experience possible, even at the expense of others. When you go in with a bad attitude like that though and let little things upset you when they don't go exactly the way you planned, it not only affects the people around you, but I can't imagine that you are enjoying yourself to the fullest, either.
January 2020 Trip Report - Riviera Resort
June 2019 Trip Report - Caribbean Beach & Saratoga Springs
October 2018 Trip Report - Contemporary Resort
July 2018 - All Star Movies
April 2018 Trip Report - Art of Animation
Jan 2018 Trip Report - Port Orleans Riverside and Animal Kingdom Lodge
Nov 2017 Trip Report - Boardwalk Villas
Feb 2017 Trip Report - Port Orleans French Quarter
Apr 2016 Trip Report - Pop Century
Dec 2015 Trip Report - All Star Sports & Saratoga Springs
Sept 2014 Trip Report - Coronado Springs
Oct 2012 Trip Report - Caribbean Beach Resort
I may have told this story before. I took my daughter when she was 5 for the 1st time and we have been having a blast. So we are walking down Mainstreet hand in hand when a group of people(country unknown) just broke through us. Not a small group either, there had to have been at least 25 in this group. Not the 1st "excuse me" as my panic level is rising and I'm looking everywhere for my daughter. I hear someone say "sir" and there in Snow White's arms is my daughter. Tears rolling down her face and she tries to calm her. We both love Snow White most of all and I think its because of that moment. The best part was this group was trying to get their pic with Snow White who ignored them and talked my daughter for 10 mins. It was awesome.
I may have told this story before. I took my daughter when she was 5 for the 1st time and we have been having a blast. So we are walking down Mainstreet hand in hand when a group of people(country unknown) just broke through us. Not a small group either, there had to have been at least 25 in this group. Not the 1st "excuse me" as my panic level is rising and I'm looking everywhere for my daughter. I hear someone say "sir" and there in Snow White's arms is my daughter. Tears rolling down her face and she tries to calm her. We both love Snow White most of all and I think its because of that moment. The best part was this group was trying to get their pic with Snow White who ignored them and talked my daughter for 10 mins. It was awesome.
Wow, this is such a sweet story! I love how the cast members really look out for situations like that and try to make people's (especially nice people being wronged's!) trip more magical.
Fall 2015: Master's Degree Graduation Trip, Details TBD! Can't wait to be back in the World!
Nov. 2014: Baby's First 1/2 Day at the Magic Kingdom; our date day at Hollywood studios
Jan. 2014: Our princess was born!
May 2013: Our POR & DCL honeymoon (& my husband's first Disney trip of hopefully many!)
May 2013: Our Disney-themed wedding
These stories are crazy indeed!
It's not so much a 'crazy' story but a 'how can someone complain SO much' tale...
We were on the bus coming back from Hoop De Doo. It was late-ish, dark, the bus was freezing, packed and stopping at about 5 other Disney hotels. This one guy starts talking, not really to anyone in particular - pretty much addressing anyone who happened to blink in his direction. I swear, I have never heard another guest complain as much as this guy did, about everything! His hotel, the parks, the cast members, even other guests. I wanted to ask him just WHY had he come to WDW. At one point we stopped at GF and a few people got off, he started going on about how guests staying there think they're above other guests because it's a more expensive hotel etc etc, he was really starting to annoy a lot of tired folk around him. He then goes on to say that of course, HE can afford to stay there but 'slums' it at Coronado Springs because they have a better pool...!!! He went on about how many times he's been to WDW etc, as though he was trying to rub it into some people.
I mean really, WHY go at all if you're only going to complain? There should be special places on it's a small world for those types of guests!
[url='http://salocainwonderland.blogspot.com']Saloca in Wonderland[/url] <--- blog!
I may have told this story before. I took my daughter when she was 5 for the 1st time and we have been having a blast. So we are walking down Mainstreet hand in hand when a group of people(country unknown) just broke through us. Not a small group either, there had to have been at least 25 in this group. Not the 1st "excuse me" as my panic level is rising and I'm looking everywhere for my daughter. I hear someone say "sir" and there in Snow White's arms is my daughter. Tears rolling down her face and she tries to calm her. We both love Snow White most of all and I think its because of that moment. The best part was this group was trying to get their pic with Snow White who ignored them and talked my daughter for 10 mins. It was awesome.
LOVE THIS! Not the part where you are separated, but the happy part!!!!
I mean really, WHY go at all if you're only going to complain? There should be special places on it's a small world for those types of guests!
Time marches on. Eventually you realize it's doing it across your face.
I saw a guy offer a $100 bill to the kid at the door of Earl of Sandwich to let him in at 1 minute past 11pm. And the kid refused.
See my Disney Photography at...
DVC owner since 2002 BCV/BWV/BLT/VGC
I am a little late to the show on this one, but reading the other stories made me think of this:
Over Spring Break, my fiance and I went to Disney. One night we were walking around DTD, just meandering, people watching and having some drinks. Well we sat on a bench somewhere and this 4 person family is strolling along the walkway. It was a mom, a dad, and two upper-teens (one daughter, one son, I presume). Well, the dad stopped to take a picture of the daughter overlooking the water. The mom then proceeds to throw a RAGING fit. "YOU ALWAYS STOP TO TAKE PICTURES OF HERRR! BUT WHEN I WANT MY PICTURE TAKEN, YOU WON'T DO IT." That is the line I most remembered, because I was realllly confused: is this woman JEALOUS of her husband's attention towards their daughter? It was so awkward...the son and daughter decided to walk ahead a little while their mom yelled at their dad. It was so bizarre. We could not stop laughing, because we just did not understand.
Then there was the crazy fit I saw in the bathroom once: Kid was blood red and sweaty from screaming/crying and just kept saying: I WANT TO GO HOMMMMMMMMME! And it echoed...because we were in the bathroom. This was one of the top two child fits I have seen at Disney. haha
July 2010- First Disney trip with my now husband and his family. Campsites at Fort Wilderness
March 2012- 2 day Spring Break trip to Disney ---Royal Plaza (dowtown disney area)
July 2013- week long Disneymoon -- split stay Caribbean Beach and Coronado Springs
December 2014 Christmas Trip- TBD
Summer 2015--Family Trip
Woooooooooooooooooow.....some people who should not be parents.....
January 2020 Trip Report - Riviera Resort
June 2019 Trip Report - Caribbean Beach & Saratoga Springs
October 2018 Trip Report - Contemporary Resort
July 2018 - All Star Movies
April 2018 Trip Report - Art of Animation
Jan 2018 Trip Report - Port Orleans Riverside and Animal Kingdom Lodge
Nov 2017 Trip Report - Boardwalk Villas
Feb 2017 Trip Report - Port Orleans French Quarter
Apr 2016 Trip Report - Pop Century
Dec 2015 Trip Report - All Star Sports & Saratoga Springs
Sept 2014 Trip Report - Coronado Springs
Oct 2012 Trip Report - Caribbean Beach Resort
That's what we said. If you are THAT insecure, there is a legitimate problem.
I also like watching kids with leashes at Disney World. Sometimes a leash is fine I guess (though I don't think I will ever use one)...I am not trying to make any kind of parenting bashes here...but we HAVE wondered if some crazy people ever take it a step further and tie their child to a post while they go inside for an adult beverage....
July 2010- First Disney trip with my now husband and his family. Campsites at Fort Wilderness
March 2012- 2 day Spring Break trip to Disney ---Royal Plaza (dowtown disney area)
July 2013- week long Disneymoon -- split stay Caribbean Beach and Coronado Springs
December 2014 Christmas Trip- TBD
Summer 2015--Family Trip
Never used a leash, but like your idea of tying them to the post outside!
I had a friend who interned at Disney and said you wouldn't believe the kids that they entertain all day long when they find them lost and the parents don't look for them. I guess they assume they are safe and will let Disney entertain them, and they do. I can't imagine. Our kids got "separated" (not lost) from us fairly often when they were little, but we didn't panic, we taught them to stop where they are and grab a cm as they walk past. We almost always found them immediately when we went back and retraced where we had been, since they stopped where they were and didn't keep wandering. Not sure how a parent could lose kids intentionally but apparently it happens more than we think.
Faith, Trust and Pixie Dust
Never used a leash, but like your idea of tying them to the post outside!
I had a friend who interned at Disney and said you wouldn't believe the kids that they entertain all day long when they find them lost and the parents don't look for them. I guess they assume they are safe and will let Disney entertain them, and they do.![]()
Ugh, I find that slightly disturbing! Are they just trying to avoid paying a babysitter? That's sad...but I don't have any kids yet. Maybe one day when I do, I will understand haha
When I have kids in The World, though, I think I will use your rule. Seems to be the simplest way to do it! Thanks for the pro-parenting tip
July 2010- First Disney trip with my now husband and his family. Campsites at Fort Wilderness
March 2012- 2 day Spring Break trip to Disney ---Royal Plaza (dowtown disney area)
July 2013- week long Disneymoon -- split stay Caribbean Beach and Coronado Springs
December 2014 Christmas Trip- TBD
Summer 2015--Family Trip
We did use a kid harness on our DS in WDW, he was just 22 months. We had been using it since he could walk whenever he was out of the stroller in a busy place. He loved it, he got more freedom with it on as he did not have to constantly hold hands.
Mostly we would get approving looks, and comments like, I wish I had used one of those on my kids. Once someone really started to get in our face about it, saying we should be reported to children's aid. I very calmly responded. "my son is the most important person in my world, and he is irreplaceable. His safety is important, and if using the harness means he cant dart away & get lost, that's what I will do."
DS is now 3, and mostly listens. Just last weekend we were visiting a much larger, busier city, he did not want in his stroller, and had been walking all day, he asked for the harness because his hand was tired. He had not used it for at least 6 months prior to that, but he remembered it.
Saw a young lady knitting this afternoon on the K safari. really. No kidding.
DisneyDoc I have a friend who takes her knitting everywhere. She tells me it is very calming and is very aware of what is going on around her.
I very calmly responded. "my son is the most important person in my world, and he is irreplaceable. His safety is important, and if using the harness means he cant dart away & get lost, that's what I will do."
The first time I saw a kid on a leash, I thought it was horrible. I would never go as far as telling someone that they should be reported. As I've gotten older and the more I hear about the craziness in this world, I think it's a awesome idea.
I don't have a problem with parents having their children on leashes. I know when I have had my nieces and nephews with me I am constantly on guard, which made me slightly paranoid. You do what you feel will keep your children safe.