Where in the World?

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Brad's picture
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Where in the World?

I always think these are fun. Answer if you know where the picture is from. If the person who answers has one to do go ahead and upload it. If not I'll put up another.

where1.jpg203.01 KB
Vettelover's picture
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Casey's corner maybe, and if it is I really don't have another, so Brad, tag your'e it.


DonaldDork's picture
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haha! I play this game with my friends..
I usually send it to their phones, but I've told them they have to see my facebook page for this trip's.

I have one friend who is Disneyland obsessed so I try to stump her with the most random things--I've sent her a pic of a light fixture and she knew it was in the queue at Tower of Terror.


Mase's picture
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I like this game. This could be a lot of fun... and could get reeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal mean if someone tried... lol


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Jess's picture
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Cool I thought about doing something like this as well....I'll have to find some to post Smile


Jess's picture
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Where's this at?


caitiesus's picture
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Is that Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger Spin? i'm not sure though...

DonaldDork's picture
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it looks like one of them lil set up scenes on the Tomorrowland Transportation Authority

Jess's picture
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DonaldDork wrote:
it looks like one of them lil set up scenes on the Tomorrowland Transportation Authority

You got it Donald Dork.....Your up.....


DonaldDork's picture
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oooh ok.. lemme find a pic!

DonaldDork's picture
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ok so you pro's will probably get this one pretty quick...

Where in the World is this??

WDW 2010 379b

Jess's picture
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This is going to be a total guess because I've never seen that picture before....But I'm going to say Snow Whites Scary Adventure....I don't think it looks like anything that would be in that ride but I looked up the translation to it and it mean's in the wine is the truth....so I started thinking about Disney movies and the only thing I could think of was in Snow White when the Evil queen drinks the potion and it makes her old.


DonaldDork's picture
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uhoh! strike one!

Jess's picture
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DonaldDork wrote:
uhoh! strike one!

Man I put alot of work into coming up with that one...LOL


Jess's picture
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Is it from the Food and wine fest?


DonaldDork's picture
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nope! strike 2!!
it's there all the time...

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I'd guess the Italy pavilion!

Vettelover's picture
Joined: 03/28/2009
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You beat me to it Jeff, Let's see if it's strike three and four.


DonaldDork's picture
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uhohhh! Strike 3 AND 4 lol... I will post a diff pic of it with a wider view...

DonaldDork's picture
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ok here is the same area.. just a wider shot...
I took it because my friend runs a wine bar so I thought she'd like it...
sooo where in WDW is it??

WDW 2010 379

Jess's picture
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France ?


Jess's picture
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Via Napoli?


Mase's picture
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Mama Rosa's?


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Brad's picture
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I'm pretty sure that's Mama Melrose's isn't it?

Mase's picture
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Brad wrote:
I'm pretty sure that's Mama Melrose's isn't it?

crap.... thats what I ment to say but got it confused with something here... lol


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DonaldDork's picture
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Yes it's at Mama Melrose's.. I'll go ahead and give it to Mase since I'm fairly certian that's what he meant lol..

you're up!

Mase's picture
Joined: 03/02/2011
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DonaldDork wrote:

Yes it's at Mama Melrose's.. I'll go ahead and give it to Mase since I'm fairly certian that's what he meant lol..

you're up!

Oh wow... very cool! Right now im at work, so may have to wait till I get home, but ill see what I have available... heh


Update: Yeah... im going to have to wait till I get home. All the pictures on my Facebook would be to obvious, and the one I want to use is WAY to dark, and wouldnt be fair... lol


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Mase's picture
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Ok... felt like being mean... could be easy... could be hard


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MrHub's picture
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Mase's picture
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mrhub wrote:

Correct! Thought it would be harder... lol


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MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
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Ha Ha! clapping Ok I'll put one up now!

Okay this should be hard