Chocolate Christmas Scene Adds to the Magic of Holiday Happenings at Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin Resorts

If you're a fan of all things chocolate you'll want to make a stop at the Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin Resort to get a peek at the latest holiday creation.

The resort's executive pastry chef Laurent Branlard has created a 7-foot-tall, 400-pound chocolate nutcracker that is part of the resort's chocolate Christmas scene. The completely edible nutcracker took about 80 hours to complete and is joined in the scene by a life-sized Santa Claus, fireplace, toy train, and Christmas tree.

The entire chocolate scene weighs about 2,000 pounds and packs a whopping 4 million calories. But there's no sampling allowed. This scene is for display only and is part of the resort's Holiday Happenings event that runs through the holiday season.

In addition to the delicious chocolate wonderland, guests at the resort can meet Santa and Mrs. Claus in their tiki hut, gaze at the twinkling lights each night on the resort's causeway, and even hire a costumed elf to deliver milk, cookies, a plush toy, and storybook to their guest room.

For more information on the Holiday Happenings event at the Swan and Dolphin, visit


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