New Clowns, Pablo and Pablo, Bring More Laughs to Cirque du Soleil’s ‘La Nouba’

There's a new clown act in town and they're bringing big laughs to the audience at La Nouba by Cirque du Soleil.

The clowns, Pablo and Pablo, have taken the place of Balto and Sergey and say their act is "more rock 'n' roll" than their predecessors. The comedic duo says their act is "like two kids mocking each other" and it reportedly involves pinatas and paper airplanes.

Balto and Sergey were original cast members of La Nouba and spent 15 years performing five different acts in the show.

The Pablos suggest that audience members arrive at least 15 minutes early for the La Nouba performance so they can see the clowns' first act.

The Disney Parks Blog recently reported that there is big news coming from Cirque du Soleil this summer regarding an all-new behind-the-scenes offering.

La Nouba celebrated its 15th anniversary in December 2013.


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