President Obama To Visit Disney World

President Barack Obama will be in the Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World this Thursday to "unveil a strategy that will significantly help boost tourism and travel."

At this time, the specifics of the tourism plans aren't readily available, but Blain Rethmeier, senior vice president of public affars at the U.S. Travel Association had this to say:

We understand that he [Obama] is going to trumpet the value of travel generally and improve facilitation for international travel, especially from China and Brazil.

The president is expected to touch down in Orlando on Air Force One at 11:40 a.m. on Thursday. From the airport, he'll go directly to the Magic Kingdom where he's expected to make his speech near Cinderella's Castle at 12:35 p.m. His takeoff time from central Florida is set for 2:15 p.m.

Walt Disney World is preparing for the event by cutting back on the Magic Kingdom's operating hours. In addition, employees won't be able to utilize day entrance passes while the park's daily parade start time has been pushed back. Not far from the park, Disney's Contemporary Resort will be used as a media staging area and will have parking restrictions.

The resort's other three parks will have extended operating hours and added entertainment.


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