Real Life 'Up' House

Who hasn't watched the Disney Pixar movie "Up" and secretly fantasized about tying a million balloons to their house? The people over at the National Geographic Channel made that fantasy into a reality recently as they set out to create their very own version of the balloon-propelled house made famous by "Up."

This past weekend, a crew from the National Geographic Channel's show "How Hard Can it Be?" tied 300 balloons to a 16' x 16' house. Each of the 8' weather balloons was filled with an entire container of helium and helped the house stay airborne for one hour and reach an altitude of - get this - 10,000 feet.


Mase wrote on Thu, 03/10/2011 - 19:18:

Mase's picture

Guess Pixar needs to re-release the movie with a "Dont try this at home" warning before the movie

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