Reservations Now Open for New Wishes Fireworks Dessert Party at the Magic Kingdom

If you're looking for a special way to end your evening at the Magic Kingdom, today is your lucky day. Reservations opened today for the newly enhanced Wishes Fireworks Dessert Party in the Magic Kingdom and the first party is planned for July 5!

Make plans to attend the new Wishes Fireworks Dessert Party!Make plans to attend the new Wishes Fireworks Dessert Party!

This "newly enhanced" party will replace the Tomorrowland Terrace Dessert Party which will be held for the last time on July 4.

Guests at the Wishes Fireworks Dessert Party will get to enjoy the party and the fireworks from a reserved seating area while they snack on delectable desserts. The desserts for the party will include chocolate-dipped strawberries, chocolate mousses, Disney-themed cupcakes, ice cream, and even a seasonal fruit and cheese selection.

When Wishes begins party guests can toast the fireworks with sparkling cider. You'll also be able to enjoy signature lemonade, hot cocoa, coffee, and tea throughout the party.

The prices for the Wishes Fireworks Dessert Party are $49 for adults and $29 for kids, including tax. Reservations can be made at the Walt Disney World website or by calling 407-WDW-DINE.

Will you be making plans to attend this updated dessert party at the Magic Kingdom? Let us know in the comments!


Penny wrote on Fri, 03/20/2015 - 23:24:

Penny's picture

Can't say I'm impressed by the nearly double the price hike when on the surface of things they've only added fizzy apple juice.

I'd expect an alcoholic drink added for that price because the best part of $50 for a dessert...yeah, no.

Mike wrote on Fri, 04/10/2015 - 19:26:

Mike's picture

WTF? All you can drink? Otherwise, someone needs their anal cavity examined at head office.

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