Let's see your Holiday decorations!

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Tony's picture
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Mase wrote:
mrhub wrote:
Jess wrote:
Reflections wrote:
Am I weird because the main thing I noticed in all this is that JoAnn has the exact same wooden TV dinner tray as we have?

hey we have the same ones to Smile

Us too!


You guys are talking about the folding wooded table right?

Well guess what.... laugh


I can only please one person per day. Today isn't your day... tomorrow doesn't look good either.

Vettelover's picture
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That folding table must have been a very popular model. laugh


crazycatperson's picture
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Tony wrote:
Mase wrote:
mrhub wrote:
Jess wrote:
Reflections wrote:
Am I weird because the main thing I noticed in all this is that JoAnn has the exact same wooden TV dinner tray as we have?

hey we have the same ones to Smile

Us too!


You guys are talking about the folding wooded table right?

Well guess what.... laugh

Just went back and looked.

Yep. We've got them, also.

Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
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Okay! I finally took some pictures of our modest holiday decor... Having it put up has really helped me get into the holiday mood, something I've been struggling with this year.

My youngest daughter's tree and her first gingerbread house...
And the "big" tree...
FullTree 1Tree
Some of my favorite ornaments...
VictorianMickMinn Cardnial

Lizzy_B's picture
Joined: 10/25/2010
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Kristen - incredible montage! I love how you put it together. Pointers? Also, I'm so impressed that you already have a gbread house made! I haven't even started thinking about ours yet (although Elle and I got swell matching tartan aprons yesterday from Williams-Sonoma Smile )


Kristen K.'s picture
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Lizzy_B wrote:
Kristen - incredible montage! I love how you put it together. Pointers?

Thanks so much Smile I pull the images from my Flickr account and then mess around with the coding so that everything has an even size. I try to tell a story with the order I place the photos in so that it takes the viewer on a journey. It takes awhile to do, but I always find it worthwhile.

This was the first gingerbread house I've done as an adult and Katie's first one ever. It's just from a kit, but we had a lot of fun with it!

Lizzy_B's picture
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Oh, sigh. It's not easy to make it all pretty like that then? Wink

Great job on the gbread house. I'm thinking I might do a couple this year...we'll see. I love to let the kiddoes do it, but then my type A crazy mommy personality takes over and I want to make it all Martha Stewartish. Or maybe I should just take a chill pill and let them have their fun. I don't want to warp them for life with my silliness Smile

Yeah. I just was waaayyyy too honest with y'all right there. Hopefully you still love me ha! I need to get my pics up...


Kris1971's picture
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I love the glass slilpper!


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As much as I adore the Disney decorations (of course!), I was actually most excited to see the small ceramic Christmas tree. By any chance do you know if one like it is available for purchase somewhere?

My Grandma had one like it that she always had up every year when I was little, and it made me think of her. She passed away about six years ago, and anything that reminds me of her is a good thing.

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Hi Suz333, and thanks!

I've never seen them for purchase - my Mom made it in a ceramics class years ago. I actually have 3 of them, all different sizes, that she made over the years. One she had given to me, and the others I got when she passed away 2 years ago. I really really love them, and they are indeed very special and bring back lots of memories.

Kristen - LOVE the decorations, especially the Gingerbread house!! How fun! YAY!!!

Reflections's picture
Joined: 11/15/2011
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I love that glass slipper! I can't believe that there is a whole theme...a journey!

I'm feeling just a tad inadequate. We're probably just going to have some spiked eggnog and bake chocolate chunk cookies with red and green M&Ms all over them!




JoAnn C's picture
Joined: 05/20/2011
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Not only do we love Disney we all have the same taste in TV trays. LOL

Kristen - I love your tree

Jeff - my mom made the same tree in ceramics. She also has the one she made for my grandma.


Reflections's picture
Joined: 11/15/2011
Posts: 103

A couple more things here...just look at how that glass slipper gleams like in the fairytale! I'm jealous.

Also, maybe all of us with the wooden TV tables should get together in the future with our Swanson Hungry Man's and watch some old A-Team reruns. Now that would be a great Disney meet-up!




Joined: 10/29/2009
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I love love love this thread! My mother made those ceramic trees too. Odds are I still have one stuck somewhere around here. I was going to wait until we had all the decorating done to post any pictures but that could be Chrismtas. So, I will just post pictures as we get things up.

The front of our house

Then what little I have done inside.

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I'm moving in, dammit. Pls advise your other kids.

Reflections's picture
Joined: 11/15/2011
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Oh, my. Well, that does it. I think I'm going to have to get serious about the decorations this year. Very nice.




Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
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Thanks so much for the compliments on my glass slippers! I love them too Smile

Lizzy - I get all Martha too. However this year I wasn't really feeling the holiday when we decorated, so I was pretty laid back with the Gingerbread House. When I was young I used to make them with my aunt. She would even have blueprints for these amazing houses, and details of where every candy would go. Good memories!

Scrappy - you have so many details! How fun is that! I've always wanted to hang lights outside on the house, but I can't get my husband to do it for me and I'm sort of clutzy. I would probably fall off the ladder and break my neck. I wonder if I could hire someone to put outside lights up. That may happen next year!

Lizzy_B's picture
Joined: 10/25/2010
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OMISTARS RE: the ceramic trees! My grandmother made them in ceramics class too! I finally got one of hers right before she died, but it's not the one I wanted. My mother has a ton of stuff to go through in her garage, and I'm hoping to find one like the one that Jeff has. I thought the same thing when I saw that pic. The one I have has all red "lightbulbs" on it, and the shape is different. I'll post a pic soon, I promise! How cool that we all have this treasured memory.


Jess's picture
Joined: 03/04/2011
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The ceremanic trees must of been a big thing back then... My grandma has one to. So not only do we all have matching tv trays we all have ceramic trees to... And we all love Disney... Are you sure we aren't a cult... Lol


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We got the Mickey tree up today. I will wait and let Mrhub post pictures of it though. He does a much better job of tree pictures than I do.

MrHub's picture
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Okay our Mickey Tree:

JoAnn C's picture
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Scrappy and mrhub - I love your Mickey tree


MrHub's picture
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MrHub's picture
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Mase's picture
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mrhub wrote:


Love it man!


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Kristen K.'s picture
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How much fun! Love the musical Mickey Tree! muchlove

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Our tree is more of a Country Christmas theme but you guys are really making me want a Mickey tree. I am sure my kids won't mind. Guess I am going to check out some after Christmas sale for new ornaments.


Kris1971's picture
Joined: 08/10/2011
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So cool to see everybody's trees! I have to get moving on taking some pictures. MrHub/Scrappy, I'm lovin the Mickey tree!


Jess's picture
Joined: 03/04/2011
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love love love your tree Mr.hub and scrappy Smile

and micrac.. Love the country Christmas feel.... Love how your stockings look like cowboy boots


JoAnn C's picture
Joined: 05/20/2011
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While looking for some more decorations today, I found something I completely forgot I had boxed up in my storage unit. A set of 4 25th anniversary Walt Disney World glasses from McDonalds. They've never been used. They were boxed up in one of my many moves over the last 15 years. Pictures will be posted later.
