Well the tree is up and thats as far as we are going this year![]()
Making the crosstrainer pay for itself at the moment and keeping hard on the lowcarb
Humbug....Who's says the grinch is dead.. LOL...
Well the tree is up and thats as far as we are going this year![]()
Making the crosstrainer pay for itself at the moment and keeping hard on the lowcarb
Humbug....Who's says the grinch is dead.. LOL...
Bake sale is going great! Made over $60 so far, and we still have one day to go. I would love to get to $100. My public speaking final got cancelled, my MS word class has no final, and the final paper for my management class just needs a bit of touching up...and then I take two finals and I will be done!!! Tuesday is my last final. Then I am taking a nice long nap. Or dragging my mom to the movies to see Frozen, one or the other And then I can get back to my workout routine.
I'm not quite sure I'll know what to do with myself when all of this is over. Then again, I have a very long Netflix queue...
I'm in the Virtual Honor Choir at Disney's California Adventure! One of 700 singers selected from 1500 submissions and one of 200 sopranos from 550 submissions! Click on the link to see it! http://youtu.be/04a199tjhKk
Free Disney Tickers
Free Disney Tickers
I'm in the Virtual Honor Choir at Disney's California Adventure! One of 700 singers selected from 1500 submissions and one of 200 sopranos from 550 submissions! Click on the link to see it! http://youtu.be/04a199tjhKk
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Free Disney Tickers
Hope you're feeling better
August 2016 here we come!
Namaste I'm feeling much more balanced today. Nothing like a little fluid power yoga to get you going in the morning. Today I'm really hoping the weather people are right about today and tomorrow as it should be warm enough to walk outside both days.
This morning will be a repeat of the past few days (cleansing smoothie) lunch will be a salad and dinner will be gluten free pasta and "meatballs" I'm going to do some experimenting with red beans(wish me luck) thinking about sauteed escarole with garlic, onions and mushrooms also. Have a magical day and keep moving forward.
August 2016 here we come!
Well this time of year I do very little exercise outside.( apart from lugging amplifiers and P.A. Systems around, four gigs in seven days next week ) But I'am slowly getting into eating more vegetarian meals..This new Teppanyaki grill I'am getting from Santa will be a revelation..LOL..So to all out there..Keep warm..safe..and eat healthy..
Good morning guys!! Sounds like everyone is very busy this week!!
It is raining here but in the 50s. I have a hair appt and some
shopping this morning.
Walk will probably be inside. Weights today too.
Eating granola and Greek yogurt for breakfast. Lunch will be a turkey
and veggie sandwich. Dinner is grilled citrus chicken rice bowls.
Everyone stay nice and warm!
Ps good luck Figgy!!
Over $100 raised from the bake sale. Yea!!!
I'm in the Virtual Honor Choir at Disney's California Adventure! One of 700 singers selected from 1500 submissions and one of 200 sopranos from 550 submissions! Click on the link to see it! http://youtu.be/04a199tjhKk
Free Disney Tickers
Free Disney Tickers
Good morning Congrats Starwarsgirl95!
The red bean meatballs were pretty good, thnx for the pixie dust, just need to spice them up a bit next time. Hectic to say the least!!!! I ordered what I thought would be the last item on Friday, well it seems my brain is gone or my boys just have too much stuff. James already has the Christmas ornament I ordered, no problem just ordered a different one and I'll return the first one. I'm almost thinking I did it subconsciously, any excuse to go to the local Disney store, ok not so local it's a bit of a drive, but it's by grandma's so now I'll have a reason to stop.
Today is was am yoga with Rodney Yee (nice and easy) then I turned up the heat with 5 indoor miles. It's nice and warm so I'm going to try and get out before the rain, it may be the last outside walk for a while as a major cold wave is coming in over the weekend. I'm just about back to normal so those cleansing smoothies must be doing some good, I'll have some type of mixed veggie salad for lunch, some pea soup with I don't know what yet for dinner and pina colada "ice cream" for desert. Have a magical day and keep moving forward.
August 2016 here we come!
Yea for veggies
The grill sounds like fun, are you sure you were good enough to get it?
August 2016 here we come!
Yea for veggies![]()
The grill sounds like fun, are you sure you were good enough to get it?
Figgy..You should know me by now..Me and Santa have so much in common..Same age..( Old as time ) Same big belly..Same smile.( Ho Ho Ho ) ..Only difference is he likes milk and cookies..I prefer a nice malt and a haggis nibble...LOL..
Well folks, I survived last nights storm..Winds recorded up to 110 mph..But it's freezing outside..So tonight we are having kebabs ( chicken,peppers,onions ) and for sweet my home made Florida Key Lime Pie with double cream for pouring..I had to try a slice or two, just to make sure it was ok, you do understand..LOL..Keep safe and warm folks and keep dancing..
Good morning all!! Glad you are feeling better Figgy!! Good job on the bake sale, starwarsgirl!
King Fergus, that pie looks yummy!!
Staying home today and cleaning. I have run myself silly this week! Time to slow down!
Had some showers this morning but sun is coming out, feels like Spring! But cold is coming soon.
Shredded wheat with peaches I froze this summer and almond milk for breakfast. Lunch black bean salad.
Dinner is grilled fish, red potato salad, and broccoli.
Walking inside and light stretching!
Everyone stay comfy and move it!
Good morning So happy the king has made it through those nasty storms. We're having some weather problems state side but all is just rainy for now. Thanks Boomer I think it was just the crazy schedule I kept over the past week. 5 indoor miles with boosters and some restorative yoga this am. It's getting cold so lots of veggies in my tofu scramble and packing a salad with beans for lunch. Heading out for my usual busy Friday, but I'll miss my farm market, hoping for an early spring so it will reopen ASAP! Dinner will be some pea soup to go with the fog and pasta primavera. Please pray the rain doesn't turn to ice and snow before I get home. Have the most magical weekend and keep moving forward. xoxo
August 2016 here we come!
Saturday morning...Well it's dry..Had a wee snaw fall last night..nothing much..Tonight I'am playing at a dance at our local soccer teams club..Should be fun...So my exercise is humping amplifiers around the stage..For dinner it's gonna be a Panini with ham,cheese,and tomato..( never eat a lot before playing ) ..So everyone keep safe..warm..and keep dancing..
Back on the walking routine as the weather is dry . Hope everyone has a good weekend and here's something to look at
Howdy Y'all
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May/June 2016 Magic cruise to Norway
2017 Prtugal wedding adventures
2018 Alskan disney cruise ??
2019 Florida
Good morning It's an icy start to the new week up here on my mountain. It took Jim 45 minutes for his usual 10 minute commute!!!!!!!!!!! I have the boys home and we are planning on staying in today. We lucked out though, we were supposed to get a lot more snow, so it's bad but could have been a lot worse. I cooked like crazy yesterday just in case we had power problems today, so far so good and the worst seems to be behind us
Going with a mean green smoothie, lunch will be a nice mixed veggie salad with "Cesar" dressing and some of the beans I cooked yesterday (I made 4 types Black, red, lima and garbanzo) dinner will be veggie burger and sweet potato baked fries and broccoli. 5 indoor miles done and I did a refreshing am practice to get the joints moving. Thinking about a kundulini practice for the spleen for this afternoon and of course watching a Disney movie seeing we're all in for the day. Stay safe and warm and keep moving forward. xoxo
August 2016 here we come!
Well good morning from a very mild Scottish village...Busy week ahead with 2 charity concerts for under privileged kids,if that's the right way of saying it,and a big surprise gig on Saturday..Please Santa..Can I have a roadie for Xmas..So tonight's dinner is roast pork medallions with a whole grain mustard sauce served with minted peas and a creamed mash..So sorry to read about Mr Ferrets friend,and my heart goes out to him and Mrs Ferret..Keep warm folks..Keep moving...And make sure you keep safe.
Good morning!! 45 degrees with rain this morning and just plain yucky!! Probably inside doing my walking today!
Shredded wheat with cherries for breakfast. Lunch is turkey and veggie Sandwich. Dinner is pork BBQ sliders and coleslaw.
Just doing some inside chores today!
Hope everyone had a great weekend!
Prayers go out to Mr and Mrs. Ferret!
Have a good day, everyone and move it, move it.
No roadie until you hit your goal weight!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL Besides don't you have to pay or feed them?
August 2016 here we come!
Prayers for the Ferret family. Thnx Mr. F today I'm going low carb. Ginger green tea with lemon and cayenne to get me going, a mean green cleansing smoothie (may add some cayenne to warm me up) sauteed escarole, squash, onion, mushroom and garlic, adzuki bean dip with fresh veggies, arugala , onion and tomato salad with evoo and lemon I may have 2 of those salads as a little bit is quite filling. With almost no carbs I'll be eating 4 or 5 small meals. 5 indoor miles with boosters done and I might just get lucky and get out and walk before the next round of snow today and the artic temps to follow. Looks like with the nasty weather I'll really need my afternoon practice to stretch me out. Stay warm and safe and keep moving forward.
August 2016 here we come!
That Figgy can be tough on me..Joisey girls eh!..Well I've washed my car..and the house windows..Bear in mind I've 42 of them,and it takes me approx 35 minutes..Phew!..So tonight's dinner is haunch of highland venison with a red currant sauce,and roast potatoes and a mixed veg of cauliflower,broccoli,and carrots..So as Xmas draws near,be safe folks,be warm,and keep dancing..
Good morning guys!! Sunny but cool here. May have more rain.
Gotta run out to get some groceries!
Then, besides walking and light stretching, I am going to
relax some today!! I worked my behind off yesterday!
So I am going to find some time for me!
Got my decorations and tree up plus the outdoor lights, King Fergus!
Figgy keep safe and warm.
Everyone have a great day!!
Good morning and it is NO MORE SNOW, well at least today!
:clapping:I must be crazy because I did walk all the way around my lake yesterday, the last time for quite a while as it's 15 degrees this am
To change things up a bit I did an hour of Zumba and some yoga for my core. Today's food will be a repeat of yesterday as I don't want to see my kitchen after feeling like all I've done the past few days is feed an army, better known as my boys. At least they helped me get some decorating done. Have a magical day and keep moving foward
August 2016 here we come!
Well folks it's a cool but dry day here in Scotland...Just about to head off to play a Xmas gig to children ( Charity ) No money involved but we are getting fed...Whoopee...Turkey time....Hopefully they'll be plenty and that'll do me for my dinner..So keep safe and warm, and keep those toes a tapping...
Good morning!! Sunny and 30 here!
I know what you mean about staying in the kitchen, Figgy!! I did that on Monday!!
Hoping it will warm up so I can get outside today! Fingers
Eating oatmeal with walnuts and banana. Lunch will be by myself since DH is having
the company Christmas lunch at work. Dinner is maple-glazed trout and spinach
Hope the gig goes well, King! Have fun with your boys, Figgy!
Have a great day!!
My boys did help me get these out yesterday!
August 2016 here we come!
And this stuff
August 2016 here we come!
Over $100 raised from the bake sale. Yea!!!
Thank you for helping the animals!!,
Good morning, no snow today but it will be too cold to walk outside. 5 miles done and lots of healthy leftovers and fresh veggies for me today. 5 indoor miles done and I still need to figure out what type of practice I'll be doing this afternoon after I get back from my errands. Coffee with my friends, dropping the toys for tots donations and grabbing a few things to hold us until Monday or Tuesday. We're supposed to get snow and ice over the weekend so I better get things done today as the stores will be jammed tomorrow. Stay warm and safe and keep moving forward.
August 2016 here we come!