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LifeIsForLiving's picture
Joined: 07/06/2009
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subvetss wrote:
Just found updated Fl. resident rates for the week of Sept 5th that we had reservations for. The new rates just saved us over $150.00 for the 5 night stay.
Hoo Raa!!!

Score! Funny how these things just seem to work out.

SpaceAce's picture
Joined: 07/06/2008
Posts: 2532

Sounds to me like you need to stay an extra night with that extra $150!




2010 Beach Club Resort
2005 Port Orleans Riverside
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subvetss's picture
Joined: 04/30/2009
Posts: 569

Actually we could stay 2 extra nights with that saving. It's costing us a grand total of $300.00 for 5 nights at Pop Century. Now there will be enough money left to get something to eat besides peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

'Where dreams come true'

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SpaceAce's picture
Joined: 07/06/2008
Posts: 2532

subvetss wrote:
Actually we could stay 2 extra nights with that saving. It's costing us a grand total of $300.00 for 5 nights at Pop Century. Now there will be enough money left to get something to eat besides peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

'Where dreams come true'

Considering a restaurant you don't usually frequent?




2010 Beach Club Resort
2005 Port Orleans Riverside
2006 Animal Kingdom Lodge
2007 Wilderness Lodge
2008 Animal Kingdom Lodge
2009 CBR/Polynesian

subvetss's picture
Joined: 04/30/2009
Posts: 569

SpaceAce wrote:
subvetss wrote:
Actually we could stay 2 extra nights with that saving. It's costing us a grand total of $300.00 for 5 nights at Pop Century. Now there will be enough money left to get something to eat besides peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

'Where dreams come true'

Considering a restaurant you don't usually frequent?

Not a plan SpaceAce! We saved to outlay of 150 bucks but still don't want to just use it up somewhere else. Due to increased medical expences we must be more vigelent with our funds if we wish to keep visiting Disney 3 or 4 times a year. I know most folks plan their vacation a year in advance for the once a year visit to Disney. We did that years ago when much younger and still in business. We still spend 20 to 25 days a year at Disney, just broken up into small segments. Each trip averages between 6 and 7 hundred bucks total. We couldn't do it if we spent $60.00 or more on a meal like we used to.
Hey we're old folks. Even the little thrills wear us out.

Pix is Pop Century food court. Good food reasonable cost and full of the Disney Magic..

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Brad's picture
Joined: 08/05/2008
Posts: 4357

Joe, I love the chicken and ziti dish there. Have you had it?

subvetss's picture
Joined: 04/30/2009
Posts: 569

Yes we have Brad. It's called Parmesan crusted chicken. It's about $8.&change.
Not a bad meal on a budget.


bali's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008
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subvetss wrote:
Yes we have Brad. It's called Parmesan crusted chicken. It's about $8.&change.
Not a bad meal on a budget.

Oh I LOVE that meal! That and the waffles awesome Oh, and the tie-dye cheesecake mickey And the cupcakes! biggrin


May 2008 CSR mickey

subvetss's picture
Joined: 04/30/2009
Posts: 569

Is there anyone on this forum that is in a similar condition that Jan and I are in?
Over 65
Not interested very much in rides,
Love Disney,
Try to make it there frequently on a limited, fixed income,
Or are we loners?
Hey, our grandkids show us love and great respect but they don't want to hang out with us. That's cool.

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bali's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008
Posts: 3444

Sorry, Joe. We're not in the same place as you in life, but I sure am learning a lot from you here on the boards.

Quick question -- is that celebratory strawberry shortcake at Hoop Dee Doo Revue? Looks delicious.


May 2008 CSR mickey

dsoup's picture
Joined: 07/11/2008
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I know there are a couple of people who are definitely less ride-centric who stop by sometimes. Although I don't think anyone goes as far as to not even bother with a ticket to the parks.

Brad's picture
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dsoup wrote:
I know there are a couple of people who are definitely less ride-centric who stop by sometimes. Although I don't think anyone goes as far as to not even bother with a ticket to the parks.

Yeah we definitely have some folks who are at a point in their lives where they don't care as much about the rides. Heck even I care less and less about the rides with each trip. But I think Joe takes the prize by not even buying a park ticket.

subvetss's picture
Joined: 04/30/2009
Posts: 569

Only18 more days till the Disney magic and Jan went back into the hospital yesterday.
Oh well! Same old same old.


Brad's picture
Joined: 08/05/2008
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subvetss wrote:
Only18 more days till the Disney magic and Jan went back into the hospital yesterday.
Oh well! Same old same old.

Hope everything is okay. Maybe she's just getting her hospital trip out of the way now so you can be ready to go to Disney.

bali's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008
Posts: 3444

subvetss wrote:
Only18 more days till the Disney magic and Jan went back into the hospital yesterday.
Oh well! Same old same old.

It wouldn't be a Disney trip if you didn't have to bust Jan out of the hospital to go! silly Seriously, though, I hope Jan's feeling better today. Keep us updated on how long she's expected to be in this time.


May 2008 CSR mickey

dragynally's picture
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subvetss wrote:
Only18 more days till the Disney magic and Jan went back into the hospital yesterday.
Oh well! Same old same old.

I'll keep you both on my thoughts. I was actually hoping to meet you. mickey






admin's picture
Joined: 08/14/2010
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subvetss wrote:
Only18 more days till the Disney magic and Jan went back into the hospital yesterday.
Oh well! Same old same old.

Hey, Joe. Still thinking of you and Jan. Hopefully she's feeling better. mickey

Joined: 10/29/2009
Posts: 1905

Hi Joe,
yay Disney day if finally here for you. Hope you and Jan have a "Magical" trip! Can't wait to hear about it and see your pictures.

Brad's picture
Joined: 08/05/2008
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Joe and DragynAlly are both ready to go! Have a blast guys!

subvetss's picture
Joined: 04/30/2009
Posts: 569

Hard as I try it is difficult to retain the Disney spirit knowing that, due to Jan's health issues, we may not be making another trip there. Our romantic trips there in the past years have always given us our greatest pleasure and have kept Jan's purpose for fighting so alive. This last trip was very hard for her. We will just have to see what the future brings. In the meantime here are some pictures.
Pic1: Flower gift in our room
Pic2: At the Hoop-D-Doo review
Pic3: At the Boardwalk Bakery( Just finishing our Eclairs


cdub's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008
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Joe: I'm glad you guys made it to Hoop-Dee-Doo. I was worried from your post that you might not make it there since Jan wasn't feeling well. Whoever sent you the gifts is really great! I sure hope you get to make another trip down, but I can understand why it might be a bit of a drag to think about it when you're not sure you will. You'll be in our thoughts.

SpaceAce's picture
Joined: 07/06/2008
Posts: 2532

Joe -- thanks for showing us the pics and letting us share in such a great gift of friendship. While Disney trips can be bittersweet when loved ones aren't feeling well, I'm still grateful that you two had the chance to bust out of the hospital and head to the Happiest Place on Earth.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you and Jan.




2010 Beach Club Resort
2005 Port Orleans Riverside
2006 Animal Kingdom Lodge
2007 Wilderness Lodge
2008 Animal Kingdom Lodge
2009 CBR/Polynesian

subvetss's picture
Joined: 04/30/2009
Posts: 569

More pictures:
pic1:Roaring Fork snacks at Wilderness Lodge
pic2:Capt. Cook's snacks at the Poly
pic3:On boat dock at Poly



admin's picture
Joined: 08/14/2010
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I spy a chocolate ear mickey bar!!

MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
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Great pics Joe! Glad to see you made it to the Hoop De Doo! I don't see your tu tu though!

Annie's picture
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mrhub wrote:
Great pics Joe! Glad to see you made it to the Hoop De Doo! I don't see your too too though!

laugh Exactly! Where's your sparkly adornment? mickey

Great pics as always, Joe.

Brad's picture
Joined: 08/05/2008
Posts: 4357

Joe, do they make you wear a tutu in the Navy? I think I read that somewhere. biggrin

subvetss's picture
Joined: 04/30/2009
Posts: 569

Brad wrote:
Joe, do they make you wear a tutu in the Navy? I think I read that somewhere. biggrin

I think they did on surface craft. On subs we were allowed to wear any style frilly garment we liked.


bali's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008
Posts: 3444

subvetss wrote:
Brad wrote:
Joe, do they make you wear a tutu in the Navy? I think I read that somewhere. biggrin

I think they did on surface craft. On subs we were allowed to wear any style frilly garment we liked.

My brother was on subs and that seems to fit about right laugh


May 2008 CSR mickey

subvetss's picture
Joined: 04/30/2009
Posts: 569

Tell your brother I said "If you see air bubbles don't flush it!".
cartoon: Been there, done that!

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