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King Fergus

Well it's Monday and me and my DW done a 3 mile walk as it's a sunny day..But it's my DW birthday today so I'am cooking steaks on the charcoals tonight with a bottle of bubbly...You gotta splash out for a special day..LOL..

93boomer's picture
Joined: 11/16/2013
Posts: 902

King Fergus wrote:
Well it's Monday and me and my DW done a 3 mile walk as it's a sunny day..But it's my DW birthday today so I'am cooking steaks on the charcoals tonight with a bottle of bubbly...You gotta splash out for a special day..LOL..

Happy Birthday to your darling wife, King Fergus. Hope she has had a wonderful day!! muchlove

King Fergus

93boomer wrote:
King Fergus wrote:
Well it's Monday and me and my DW done a 3 mile walk as it's a sunny day..But it's my DW birthday today so I'am cooking steaks on the charcoals tonight with a bottle of bubbly...You gotta splash out for a special day..LOL..

Happy Birthday to your darling wife, King Fergus. Hope she has had a wonderful day!! muchlove

Thanks Boomer...Yep..It's 7.55pm and she has just sipped that last drop of champagne out of her glass slipper...LOL..

MrHub's picture
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Vettelover wrote:
Sorry for your accident, between DisneyDoc and you, we are going to have to introduce a new forum category entitled "Recently injured and recuperating".. Seriously hurry up and get well soon.

Hey, and don't forget about Jeff! As a matter of fact, where is he? How you all get better real soon.

disneydoc's picture
Joined: 06/27/2012
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Yes, Jeff! He was first! sad

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mrhub wrote:
Vettelover wrote:
Sorry for your accident, between DisneyDoc and you, we are going to have to introduce a new forum category entitled "Recently injured and recuperating".. Seriously hurry up and get well soon.

Hey, and don't forget about Jeff! As a matter of fact, where is he? How you all get better real soon.

disneydoc wrote:
Yes, Jeff! He was first! sad

Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! I just plumb forgot about him and his accident,(probably the worst of the bunch) and yes where is he?


93boomer's picture
Joined: 11/16/2013
Posts: 902

Good Wednesday morning!! Hope everyone is nice and warm. We dropped to the 20s last night. I hope it didn't hurt all my plants that were blooming!
Have been doing my walk inside this week. Very cold and windy yesterday! I just about blew away!
Walking inside and doing weights today. Dinner will be breakfast with eggs and turkey sausage. Love having breakfast for dinner once in awhile.
Everyone stay warm and safe.

King Fergus

Well as Monday was my DW birthday, it was over indulgence, and yesterday was still in recovery mode..Phew!..Tonight is home made lamb masala with rice and home made Naan bread..Keep warm and safe people..Summer is not far away..My wild garlic is starting to come thro in my garden, a good sign..

93boomer's picture
Joined: 11/16/2013
Posts: 902

Good afternoon! It is nice and sunny today! Hopefully, I think my plants survived the heavy frost last night!Smile
Busy, busy today. Errands, cleaning house, and packing for trip to DD.
Walking will be later today. Dinner is grilled maple salmon, baked sweet potatoes, and grilled asparagus. Blueberry-strawberry crisp for dessert.
Hope everyone has a safe and happy Easter!!

King Fergus

3 Mile walk today....Pork Teppanyaki and garlic creamed mash with beans for dinner...Happy Easter...Easy on the chocolate eggs....

starwarsgirl95's picture
Joined: 11/17/2013
Posts: 179

Good evening all.

Haven't been around as much is crazy. Finally getting back to my exercise routine as I have STILL been dealing with the foot. About two weeks ago I got a cortisone shot, and that seems to be helping, though my doctor said it was still injured. So I've been wearing my brace and doing some light work on the mini trampoline (No jumping, just bouncing a bit with my feet planted) and then I move to the stationary bike and do 30 minutes on it. Going to try some strength training this weekend. Been trying to eat healthier, less chips (my weakness) and usually something healthy for lunch. Today it was beef vegetable soup with cheese and a banana, yesterday I got an oven roasted chicken sandwich on flatbread from Subway. Very good, BTW.

School ends in two weeks, but then I start working 2 1/2 days a week. I got a sales/marketing internship for the summer. Paid too yay Hope all is well elsewhere and you all aren't getting too cold from winter: part 2.


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King Fergus

This feels like Saturday but it's still only Friday..It's a lovely sunny day here in the west coast of Scotland..It's so crystal clear when I look up our loch I can see Mull of Kintyre ( Paul McCartneys got a house there ) and I can just make out the north coast of Ireland...Weather forecast finished...So it's no excuse for a 3 mile walk....Dinner tonight is fillet of Cod in a parsley sauce with mushy peas and fries...Happy Easter folks..Be safe and keep dancing...You too Mr & Mrs Ferret on yer wee island...

designedbydisney's picture
Joined: 08/24/2013
Posts: 591

after running 5k three times this week, and eating right I have managed to lost another 2lbs

26 to go

Ms.Mouse's picture
Joined: 12/31/2013
Posts: 358

Everyone sounds like they are doing great! I have been lazy this weekend since it was a long holiday for our school district. Did some shopping and bought my new walking shoes for our trip. DH even managed to find some. So back on the treadmill tomorrow. Down 2 pounds. 13 to go!

King Fergus

Well my Sunday weigh in had me stay the same..All those eggs...Off on a 3 mile brisk walk later.. clapping

93boomer's picture
Joined: 11/16/2013
Posts: 902

Good morning!! Hope everyone had a great holiday! Weather was gorgeous!
Had a good visit with my DD.
Waiting patiently for my cabinets to be delivered this afternoon!
Walking will have to be later this afternoon after the cabinets come. Dinner is salad and whole wheat pasta with no salt marinara.
I didn't eat too many jelly beans and chocolate bunnies, King! Smile
Have a good day all!!

King Fergus

93boomer wrote:
Good morning!! Hope everyone had a great holiday! Weather was gorgeous!
Had a good visit with my DD.
Waiting patiently for my cabinets to be delivered this afternoon!
Walking will have to be later this afternoon after the cabinets come. Dinner is salad and whole wheat pasta with no salt marinara.
I didn't eat too many jelly beans and chocolate bunnies, King! Smile
Have a good day all!!

We'll the sun has set and although it was windy today,we done our 3 mile walk..Dinner was homemade meatloaf..creamed mash..and baked beans..If I can get that last 5lb off for October I'll be a happy bunny..We have a dinner date with Princess Lapu and her family at WDW.. clapping

93boomer's picture
Joined: 11/16/2013
Posts: 902

Good morning! The sun is shining here and it is 58 degrees!! Nice start!
I did get my 4 miles in yesterday because the cabinets got here after lunch.
I have 61 boxes from Ikea in my basement. That is only 5 cabinets, sink, range hood, and a faucet. We have a whole lot if assembling to do! Lol
Have errands to run this morning. Weights today and more walking.
Dinner shall be veggie quesadillas and fruit.
Keep going, King!! You will be in wonderful shape by October!! Bet the Mrs is very proud of you!!
Happy Earth Day, everyone!!Smile

King Fergus

Well it's back to the yucky weather today. (Tuesday) So no walkies for me...Dinner is a veg curry, lots of veg in it, with basmati rice and breads...Thanks Boomer, but at my age, any shape by October will do..LOL.. yay

93boomer's picture
Joined: 11/16/2013
Posts: 902

King Fergus wrote:
Well it's back to the yucky weather today. (Tuesday) So no walkies for me...Dinner is a veg curry, lots of veg in it, with basmati rice and breads...Thanks Boomer, but at my age, any shape by October will do..LOL.. yay

Good morning! Today is starting off in the 50s, sunny with a breeze.
Dinner is pizza with zucchini and yellow squash-new recipe. I will let you know how it turns out. I don't particularly like yellow squash. Plus, a salad. Walking outside for me unless that wind gets worse!

Joined: 01/22/2014
Posts: 291

93boomer wrote:

Good morning! Today is starting off in the 50s, sunny with a breeze.
Dinner is pizza with zucchini and yellow squash-new recipe. I will let you know how it turns out. I don't particularly like yellow squash. Plus, a salad. Walking outside for me unless that wind gets worse!

That sounds good, boomer! I've heard of making pizza with cauliflower or zucchini as the crust, have you ever tried that? It sounds interesting but I'm kind of afraid lol.

I haven't been working out as much as I would like the last week as we're busy planning DS's 2nd birthday party which is Sunday (of course it's Mickey Mouse themed mickey ) but hoping to get back to it soon after as we'll only have a week and a half between the party and Disney World!!

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oldtink's picture
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I was determined to get plants in pots and so in the rain I did the basics. I am still in basically an upper body wrap suit for the ribs. I thought they were better Monday so did Pilates for Seniors and by end of day the ribs were yelling, "YOU ARE A FOOL! " The dr did say 4-6 wks and it's only been 2 but I am impatient and want to get outside and workout. Even those brisk walks begin to yell when you start to breath harder.....Yeah.

Last week in band rehearsal, the director stopped and asked if someone was humming. I quietly told him I was moaning as I took a deep breath (I sit in the front row). Sigh. I will get better I will get better I will get better I will get better I will get better...have to sub for K-1st grade gym class, so lots of ear ringing tomorrow but still I will get better I will get better I will get better I will get better. awesome


"At some point in life you have to decide if you're the Tigger or the Eeyore."...Randy Pausch

"George Banks and all he stands for will be saved. Maybe not in life, but in imagination. Because that's what we storytellers do. We restore order with imagination. We instill hope again and again and again." Walt Disney

King Fergus

Well it's Friday again and my dinner tonight will be 2 rolls..A salad one and a cheese one..It's a tradition that I have a light meal if I'am playing in my band, so tonight and tomorrow night, we have two gigs consecutive which we try not to do, due to our age. wheelchair ..So when I weigh in on Sunday,I'am hoping to see the benefits of two nights of salads..Have a good weekend folks..Be safe and keep on dancing... banana

93boomer's picture
Joined: 11/16/2013
Posts: 902

Good late morning!!! Busy, busy, busy today!!
Cleaning the house, waiting on a delivery for the kitchen, laundry, etc.
Gorgeous weather ahead! 80s!! Yayyy!
Getting outside some after demoing some more kitchen! Lol

You have fun at those gigs, King Fergus! Sounds like a good two nights!Smile

Everyone have a safe and great weekend!!

designedbydisney's picture
Joined: 08/24/2013
Posts: 591

A 1lb loss this week but I am weight training now so hopefully building muscle, my waist has dropped 2 inches now which is exciting. Going out for Chinese tonight so going to try and not eat much during the day.

25lbs to go

93boomer's picture
Joined: 11/16/2013
Posts: 902

Good Tuesday afternoon!!
Sorry I haven't been on since last week. We tore down the rest of the wall in the kitchen! It opened it up soo much! I am so glad we did this even though my house is a mess! Lol
Had errands yesterday. We had heavy storms last night and are supposed to tonight.
Dinner tonight is leftover salmon cakes and a salad.

Keep going Phil!! You are doing great!! We are planning a lot of hiking to get ready for a two-week vacay out West doing some hiking and camping. Hopefully, we old folks can do it! Lol

Everyone stay safe, keep moving, and have fun!!

King Fergus

Hey Boomer...Been there...When we decided to extend our villa, at one point our kitchen and old bathroom had no wall..LOL..Lost 1/2lb this week so have 4 lb to loose for my target..Bet this 4 will be the hardest..Done a 3 mile walk today..So keep up the good work... clapping

93boomer's picture
Joined: 11/16/2013
Posts: 902

Good morning! Another rainy day and a bit cool.

Hey, King! Congrats!! The last pounds are sometimes the hardest but hang in there! You can do it!

Hope I can walk outside today. Going up and down stairs has been helping but not like our 4 miles outdoors!
Everyone stay safe, be happy, and keep moving!Smile

93boomer's picture
Joined: 11/16/2013
Posts: 902

Good Monday everyone!! How you had a great weekend!
We had summer weather so got a lot done. Kitchen is going well.
Got my walks in among all the other active things I had going on.
Weights today too.
Trying to keep on track with healthy meals this week. Dinner tonight is grilled tilapia and veggies.
Hope you all have a safe and great day! Keep moving!!

King Fergus

You too Boomer..However I put on 2lb this week..That's all this baking I've been doing..Chocolate & Caramel cake..Apple Tart..Key Lime Pie...Bad boy...Time for revenge this week..