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93boomer's picture
Joined: 11/16/2013
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Good afternoon! I have been busy buying flowers to plant!! I planted a bunch yesterday but ran out! So I went shopping again!! I need to stop! Lol
Hey what can I say it keeps me busy and is very rewarding.
It is like summer here. We hit 89.9 yesterday and today the same. Having to walk when it's a bit cooler so I don't pass out!
Everyone have a good day!!
Ps KF that cake will do it every time! Lol

designedbydisney's picture
Joined: 08/24/2013
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so I had a little mid week weigh in and I have lost another pound! the diet isn't going great at the moment because we have had a lot of guests staying with us, but working out has stepped up a gear, I am running with sprint intervals 5k 3 times a week, weights twice a week and aerobics once a week. Starting in two weeks we are also going to add a long sunday walk in to our routine to get us ready.

I know this might sound a little intense, but at 5'7" being over weight really shows, and my kidney illness makes me really bloated so I need to lose water weight.

plus with a disney trip and a wedding, and maybe another wdw trip, with in the next year I have a lot to get fit for.

any way.... 24lbs and 22 weeks to go

93boomer's picture
Joined: 11/16/2013
Posts: 902

Philhowelldesign wrote:
so I had a little mid week weigh in and I have lost another pound! the diet isn't going great at the moment because we have had a lot of guests staying with us, but working out has stepped up a gear, I am running with sprint intervals 5k 3 times a week, weights twice a week and aerobics once a week. Starting in two weeks we are also going to add a long sunday walk in to our routine to get us ready.

I know this might sound a little intense, but at 5'7" being over weight really shows, and my kidney illness makes me really bloated so I need to lose water weight.

plus with a disney trip and a wedding, and maybe another wdw trip, with in the next year I have a lot to get fit for.

any way.... 24lbs and 22 weeks to go

That is the way to go!! Good for you!! You are doing great!! Some people only do diet or exercise but it takes both.
At this rate, you should make it!! yay

93boomer's picture
Joined: 11/16/2013
Posts: 902

Good morning!! The sun is out and the birds are singing!!Smile
I have a hair appt this morning then getting outside to finish potting some flowers.
I just love this warm weather!
Getting my 4 mile walk in today plus weights day.
Dinner is shrimp and polenta cakes with a salad. Trying to eat a few more pieces of fruit since it is hot.
And drinking more water.
Everyone have a wonderful Disney day!! Think happy! muchlove

King Fergus

Phew..The rain has been torrential overnight and is still pouring down..Forecast for the next few days is the same..Tonight I'am having a meat mince round with veg..Off to a soccer game ( that's football to us ) Unless it's called off due to a logger washed out field..Have managed a few 3 mile walks this week..Keep up the good work people..Keep focused..Keep smiling..Keep dancing.. banana

93boomer's picture
Joined: 11/16/2013
Posts: 902

Good Thursday morning!! The sun is shining and more temps in 80s!! clapping
I feel like we have moved to FL which I like!!
Today is moving around cleaning because it is a long weekend this week. Walking today too.
Tomorrow may be a long hike. We'll see how the day goes. Then on Sat more work in the kitchen. Sunday is Mother's Day so resting for me!!
Dinner tonight is grilled apple sausages and veggies.
Everyone have a happy, safe, and wonderful weekend!!
Ps tell your Mom you love her muchlove

93boomer's picture
Joined: 11/16/2013
Posts: 902

Good Monday morning! Hope all those Mom's out there had a great day yesterday!
Getting up and doing some housework. Gotta do weights today.
Breakfast is granola with Greek yogurt. Dinner is grilled chicken, salad, and corn on the cob.
Walking after dinner with my DH.
Everyone keep moving! Your Disney trip won't be far away!! Smile

King Fergus

Monday morning all...Well the sun has got it's hat on today..Had to wait in this morning as my MNSSHP tickets were due to arrive and I had to sign for them...Anyway, I got them..So later it's a 3 mile walk along by our loch...Tonight's dinner is home made lasagne with a nice summer salad...Keep safe and healthy people...P.S...I put on a pound this week.. sad ...That's two I need off next week..

Mandy's picture
Joined: 06/18/2013
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I haven't been actively working out but I've gone down a short size at work in like five months and I have lost a few pounds since then as well.

93boomer's picture
Joined: 11/16/2013
Posts: 902

Mandy wrote:
I haven't been actively working out but I've gone down a short size at work in like five months and I have lost a few pounds since then as well.

Good work Mandy!! yay I get more motivated to be active in warm weather, don't you?

Mandy's picture
Joined: 06/18/2013
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93boomer wrote:
Mandy wrote:
I haven't been actively working out but I've gone down a short size at work in like five months and I have lost a few pounds since then as well.

Good work Mandy!! yay I get more motivated to be active in warm weather, don't you?

Remember, cast members walk just as much as the guests each day at work. Plus most of us go up and down stairs all day as well.

93boomer's picture
Joined: 11/16/2013
Posts: 902

Mandy wrote:
93boomer wrote:
Mandy wrote:
I haven't been actively working out but I've gone down a short size at work in like five months and I have lost a few pounds since then as well.

Good work Mandy!! yay I get more motivated to be active in warm weather, don't you?

Remember, cast members walk just as much as the guests each day at work. Plus most of us go up and down stairs all day as well.

See you get a workout at work so you don't need to do any more. Smile I wish I could stay moving that much each day. I stay pretty busy, but nothing beats walking at WDW.
I always feel great after visiting WDW cause my legs get in great shape! biggrin

King Fergus

Good Morning all you keep fit people..It's a sunny day here in Bonnie Scotland and the weather outlook looks for the the next five days or so.. crossfingers So it could be a barbie weekend..( not the doll,the outside coal one ) ..So tonight is pork steaks with apple sauce and a nice side salad..Exercise will be a 3 mile walk later..Keep healthy everyone..

MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
Posts: 9504

Lost 5lbs at WDW! Woo hoo!

93boomer's picture
Joined: 11/16/2013
Posts: 902

mrhub wrote:
Lost 5lbs at WDW! Woo hoo!

Way to go MR Hub!! yay

93boomer's picture
Joined: 11/16/2013
Posts: 902

Good morning all!! It is bright and sunny here too King Fergus. In the 80s again!
Felt like FL weather yesterday with humidity.
Dinner is salads. And my 4 miles before dinner:)
Have a great day!

Vettelover's picture
Joined: 03/28/2009
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mrhub wrote:
Lost 5lbs at WDW! Woo hoo!

I found it, do you want it back. laugh


MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
Posts: 9504

Vettelover wrote:
mrhub wrote:
Lost 5lbs at WDW! Woo hoo!

I found it, do you want it back. laugh

Nope, you can keep it, I'll find some new ones I'm sure! awesome laugh

93boomer's picture
Joined: 11/16/2013
Posts: 902

Good morning!! It is a rainy and dark day here!Sad We are supposed to get heavy rain and almost 3-5 inches!
Walking will be inside today!
Going back to some of my Dr. Oz recipes to keep from eating out so much!
Made a good chicken green veg dish last night from his new magazine.
Dinner is lentil salad.
Everyone have a nice day and keep moving!Smile

King Fergus

Well it's so sunny overcast Thursday here and although I haven't done much exercise today due to band commitments..Playing at a wedding tomorrow night so setting up lights and P.A. System..For tonight's dinner it's a grilled chicken and lamb skewers with onions and bell peppers..A nice salad..and various dips...Keep safe and eat healthy folks...

93boomer's picture
Joined: 11/16/2013
Posts: 902

King Fergus wrote:
Well it's so sunny overcast Thursday here and although I haven't done much exercise today due to band commitments..Playing at a wedding tomorrow night so setting up lights and P.A. System..For tonight's dinner it's a grilled chicken and lamb skewers with onions and bell peppers..A nice salad..and various dips...Keep safe and eat healthy folks...

Good morning!! Finally the sun!! Cool though compared to earlier this week!
Don't worry King! I have been working out for the both of us! Lol
In addition to my walking, I have been on my feet for two days cleaning out closets! Whew! I need a Disney vacation!!Smile
My vegetable garden is doing good so the rain helped. Cannot wait for fresh veggies!
Dinner tonight is spring rolls with lots of veggies inside with shrimp.
Will be working on the kitchen again this weekend.
Take care everyone and have a great weekend! Keep moving!!

Joined: 01/22/2014
Posts: 291

Hello all! Well last week was Disney week! With all the walking and sweating, I thought for sure I lost weight... Alas, I gained 2 lbs sad I'm sure the DDP didn't help with that problem wink oh well, time to get back to the healthy eating and gym going! Enjoy the weekend all!

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disneydoc's picture
Joined: 06/27/2012
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I am doing PT for Disney! If I can get that wrist moving well I just might shoot back down there at the end of June after all...... Smile

But walking more cautiously this time!

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King Fergus

Sunday weigh in... gaah gained 2 lb...Done a three mile walk yesterday..Must be that Indian buffet last night..Ah well..Tomorrow is the start of another week..Here we go..

93boomer's picture
Joined: 11/16/2013
Posts: 902

Good Monday morning!! Can't believe it is Monday already!
This weekend was very busy. We got more done on the kitchen. It is starting to good.
Time to start the new week though. Workout is walking my 4 miles today and weights.
DH will get his walk done behind the lawn mower after work. Lol
Haven't written dinner menus yet but will probably be something veggie dish.
Everyone be happy and stay healthy!Smile

King Fergus

As I look out my window it reminds me of the backlot tour at the canyon,when the water cascades down towards you..It's that heavy today...So no walkies for this pooch...Tonight's dinner is home made lasagne and a nice salad...Keep on dancing people. banana

93boomer's picture
Joined: 11/16/2013
Posts: 902

Good morning all!! Hope you all are getting more active. The weather is starting to warm up and that sun just makes you want to get out and move!!Smile Sorry... I had a good night sleep and the sun is making me wanna dance! Smile clapping
Been working in my garden this week. Planted some more lettuce, green beans, and corn. The rest of my garden is doing well. It is a very small one. Just enough to eat out of for the summer.
I found little raccoon paw prints on my deck yesterday! I guess Meeko has come to visit! Smile He better not get in my garden.
Walking today. Have errands to run so busy day!
Dinner is whole wheat wraps with grilled veggies. May heat up a sweet potato in the microwave to go with it!
Everyone have a super day!!Smile

King Fergus

93boomer wrote:
Good morning all!! Hope you all are getting more active. The weather is starting to warm up and that sun just makes you want to get out and move!!Smile Sorry... I had a good night sleep and the sun is making me wanna dance! Smile clapping
Been working in my garden this week. Planted some more lettuce, green beans, and corn. The rest of my garden is doing well. It is a very small one. Just enough to eat out of for the summer.
I found little raccoon paw prints on my deck yesterday! I guess Meeko has come to visit! Smile He better not get in my garden.
Walking today. Have errands to run so busy day!
Dinner is whole wheat wraps with grilled veggies. May heat up a sweet potato in the microwave to go with it!
Everyone have a super day!!Smile

Love reading your stories Boomer..A wee Raccoon eh!.. eek My DS would have a hairy ( that's Scottish for a fit ) Lovely sunny day ( at long last ) Small portion of lasagne and a nice salad with a few glasses of Cab Sav..

93boomer's picture
Joined: 11/16/2013
Posts: 902

Thanks King Fergus, I enjoy yours too.

Good afternoon!! Today has been a very busy day! I started taping and mudding some of the new drywall in my kitchen. I do not especially like mudding but it has to be done in order to paint. I am doing a bit at a time. It takes me forever!
Walking is usually in the evening now that it is warm. Dinner is going to be a new recipe-crunchy Vietnamese chicken salad.

Tomorrow starts the holiday weekend! yay We are going to see my nephew play in the 4th round of high school baseball playoffs! He is doing really well his senior year.
Saturday and Monday will be working in this kitchen. Hoping to finish up the flooring!
Sunday is play day-going to the zoo. It is supposed to be a nice, warm weekend!Smile

Hope you have a nice long and relaxing weekend! Talk next week. wink

93boomer's picture
Joined: 11/16/2013
Posts: 902

Good Tuesday morning!! Hope everyone got outside and had fun this past holiday weekend!
The weather is warming up so we can all start getting outside and get moving to get in shape.
My DH and I did a 6 mile walk on Sunday! It was wonderful! We are getting in gear for our upcoming hiking trip later this summer. We love the outdoors!
Also, we are talking about going back to the World in Dec for my bday!!! Keep your fingers crossed! Smile
Today is walking and weights day. Dinner is whole wheat pita pizzas with marinara and veggies.
Everyone keep safe, happy, and moving!!Smile