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93boomer's picture
Joined: 11/16/2013
Posts: 902

Good Monday morning!! Hope everyone had a great weekend. The sun finally melted our snow and ice!!! But we still have several chances of snow showers this week. mad I will go crazy if I can't walk outside soon.
Maybe we will have an early Spring!!!
Got those nagging couple of pounds from Christmas gone. Just going to keep doing some toning work for Summer.
We may be going to WDW sooner than we planned!!!! Have to see if DH gets a good raise this month. crossfingers
Everyone keep moving!

93boomer's picture
Joined: 11/16/2013
Posts: 902

Woo hoo! Got my 4 miles outside today!!! It got up to 60! Felt so much like Spring that I wanted to cry!Smile
I moved around all day. Sun affects me that way. I just want to keep moving. Lol
Still maintaining pre-WDW weight and toning up so I can eat everything!!

Mousedreaming's picture
Joined: 02/11/2014
Posts: 367

Boomer, I am so jealous of your sunshine. I can't even remember the last time I walked outside, but it must have been around Christmas time. So it has been very easy to just sit around.

And that is why, I am very proud of myself today! I just started over (again). Walked with Leslie (yes, the 1 mile) and it kind of kicked my butt. I know if I keep with it, it will get easier, and I will feel better, and be in better shape for when nicer weather comes to Chiberia.


*Proud Disney Nut*

93boomer's picture
Joined: 11/16/2013
Posts: 902

Mousedreaming wrote:
Boomer, I am so jealous of your sunshine. I can't even remember the last time I walked outside, but it must have been around Christmas time. So it has been very easy to just sit around.

And that is why, I am very proud of myself today! I just started over (again). Walked with Leslie (yes, the 1 mile) and it kind of kicked my butt. I know if I keep with it, it will get easier, and I will feel better, and be in better shape for when nicer weather comes to Chiberia.

It didn't last long! Clouds today:( This is an up and down week. Sun tomorrow, rain Thursday, cool temps, then almost 70! This is the strangest winter on record!! Yayyy proud of your mile!! It will get easier I promise!!

Nyxess's picture
Joined: 09/09/2014
Posts: 203

Does anyone have or use the FitBit? I'm wanting to start getting my butt in gear with some walking or running before our trip this year - and I've heard this name come up more often than not.

Has anyone tried it? If so - what has your experience been like?


No trips planned currently... But we're hopeful something in 2017!!!

93boomer's picture
Joined: 11/16/2013
Posts: 902

Nyxess wrote:
Does anyone have or use the FitBit? I'm wanting to start getting my butt in gear with some walking or running before our trip this year - and I've heard this name come up more often than not.

Has anyone tried it? If so - what has your experience been like?

Hey! I have been wondering about it too. They are everywhere. Right now, I am carrying my iPhone with me walking to keep up with my steps. And it isn't exactly fun when you don't have pockets! lol

Brinbunny's picture
Joined: 07/23/2014
Posts: 645

93boomer wrote:
Nyxess wrote:
Does anyone have or use the FitBit? I'm wanting to start getting my butt in gear with some walking or running before our trip this year - and I've heard this name come up more often than not.

Has anyone tried it? If so - what has your experience been like?

Hey! I have been wondering about it too. They are everywhere. Right now, I am carrying my iPhone with me walking to keep up with my steps. And it isn't exactly fun when you don't have pockets! lol

I have a close friend who is using one and loves it. The app seems to be a real help and she likes the groups and challenges that you can join in on to motivate yourself into doing more. I like the idea of a group challenge for daily steps ect. It also seems more robust than other pedometers I've seen (I was inspecting it the other night). The only bad thing I've seen is that Amazon reviews say they fall off/ not very secure. But the fact that it can be attached discreetly to your bra was something my friend liked a lot too.

Nyxess's picture
Joined: 09/09/2014
Posts: 203

That was one of the big selling features for me. I tend to perform better when I can see what others are doing... Not necessarily competition, but knowing that the average number of steps is (insert whatever number that might be here) would help me to gage where I am and help keep me motivated.


No trips planned currently... But we're hopeful something in 2017!!!

Brinbunny's picture
Joined: 07/23/2014
Posts: 645

I liked the social aspect of it too, I think I also saw a Disney based Fitbit group which looked fun (think it was a cruise line link/post)

If you get one a review would be great. I only get 2nd hand info and am considering buy one too Smile

Mad Hatter's picture
Joined: 09/28/2013
Posts: 149

I got my wife one of these for Christmas. She seems to really enjoy it.


Things get curiouser and curiouser...

Mousedreaming's picture
Joined: 02/11/2014
Posts: 367

OK. Trying to work on consistency. That's another mile with Leslie! yay Maybe after next week, I will be able to take this walk outside? We are back to freezing cold, and now, everything is coated in ice.

Love hearing about FitBit. I'm with Brinbunny. If you do get one, I would love to hear your review on it Nyxess. I'm thinking once I can take this outside, it might be helpful.


*Proud Disney Nut*

Nyxess's picture
Joined: 09/09/2014
Posts: 203

Well I finally did it... It took almost a decade since the last time I saw the inside of one... But I went to a gym! And ran my arss nearly three miles without wanting to die (which was nice!).

No pain or stiffness today, no back pain - which for me is huge - and generally feeling really positive about the whole thing! Pumped to head back again tomorrow Smile


No trips planned currently... But we're hopeful something in 2017!!!

Mousedreaming's picture
Joined: 02/11/2014
Posts: 367

Nyxess wrote:
Well I finally did it... It took almost a decade since the last time I saw the inside of one... But I went to a gym! And ran my arss nearly three miles without wanting to die (which was nice!).

No pain or stiffness today, no back pain - which for me is huge - and generally feeling really positive about the whole thing! Pumped to head back again tomorrow Smile

yay Feels good, doesn't it?


*Proud Disney Nut*

Nyxess's picture
Joined: 09/09/2014
Posts: 203

Mousedreaming wrote:
yay Feels good, doesn't it?

It really really does Smile I haven't been this excited to do anything physical since I was dancing some 5 or 6 years ago XD


No trips planned currently... But we're hopeful something in 2017!!!

93boomer's picture
Joined: 11/16/2013
Posts: 902

Mousedreaming wrote:
OK. Trying to work on consistency. That's another mile with Leslie! yay Maybe after next week, I will be able to take this walk outside? We are back to freezing cold, and now, everything is coated in ice.

Love hearing about FitBit. I'm with Brinbunny. If you do get one, I would love to hear your review on it Nyxess. I'm thinking once I can take this outside, it might be helpful.

Yayyy keep up the good work!!! You are going to hate me today! Going to go outside in the sunshine and 75!!! to walk!! biggrin But we are dropping to 30s tomorrow mad

Brinbunny's picture
Joined: 07/23/2014
Posts: 645

Class 3 of the week completed biggrin last week and this week it looks like I will be doing 5 eek I'm not dropping pounds but I'm definitely getting fitter, I hope to see some changes to my body shape soon as I've been at this for a month with 4 or 5 classes a week. The big test will be my sporty holiday in April - I hope to see a difference compared to when I went at Christmas.

Nyxess's picture
Joined: 09/09/2014
Posts: 203

Keep it up! Sometimes it's takes a bit of kicking and screaming to get your body on board to the whole change thing Smile

Glad to hear you're feeling fitter though! That's half the battle.


No trips planned currently... But we're hopeful something in 2017!!!

93boomer's picture
Joined: 11/16/2013
Posts: 902

Yayyy!! Everyone is doing great!!!! Keep it up!! clapping awesome

Nyxess's picture
Joined: 09/09/2014
Posts: 203

I got the FitBit! They had loads of different models - but I did what any practiced Disney planner does, and I did my research Smile

They recently put out a new model called the FitBit Charge HR. This model includes all the neat stuff that the original FitBit does, but then also includes a heart rate monitor (hence the HR) and caller ID display.

I haven't had it on for a whole day yet, but I'm already in love. I can track my steps, my heart rate through activities, all exercise I get over and above my steps, all the flights of stairs I climb and all the food and water that I take in (their catalog of foods are, for the record, US based by default. There are also UK versions and several other counties as well. I live in Canada - which is not one of the options, so some of the products in my home aren't on their list, but they have items that are comparable).

It also has a built in alarm that will not only let me know when I've reached my fitness goals for the day (i.e. 10,000 steps or 16 flights of stairs - all of these can be set in your mobile or PC/MAC app) but will also wake me up in the morning Smile My boyfriend, Carson, is a pretty light sleeper in the mornings and I'm always up an hour or two before him... Unfortunately for us both - I'm a lump in the mornings, and I refuse to get out of bed, even after several hours of alarms. So this is a rather firm but silent alarm that's attached to my wrist, and rattles me awake without doing the same for him Smile

All in all I'm really enjoying it! If anyone else decides to get one, send me a message with your email address and I'll add you to my contacts and send you Cheers!... Or Taunts - depending on how I'm feeling that day Smile!


No trips planned currently... But we're hopeful something in 2017!!!

Brinbunny's picture
Joined: 07/23/2014
Posts: 645

awesome Go for it!! Sounds like a great motivational tool as well as a tracker.

Tonight is 2 classes for me eek

MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
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They are great aren't they?

Nyxess's picture
Joined: 09/09/2014
Posts: 203

It's pretty awesome setting a goal in the morning and being able to meet it by bed time Smile It's a great motivator!


No trips planned currently... But we're hopeful something in 2017!!!

Nyxess's picture
Joined: 09/09/2014
Posts: 203

The ergometer and day light savings time have teamed up to make my Monday miserable... I'm sure my body will thank me later - but boy oh boy am I sore today Sad


No trips planned currently... But we're hopeful something in 2017!!!

93boomer's picture
Joined: 11/16/2013
Posts: 902

Hey guys!! Sorry I haven't been on the past few days. The weather has warmed up enough for me to do some painting in my kitchen FINALLY!! clapping

Nyxess,Congrats on the fitbit!! Can't wait to hear how much you like it after using a few months.
And I am right there with you on that one!! Monday was a killer for me too!! For some reason, the time change in the Spring hits me harder than the Fall one. Can't figure that one out yet!

I did double walking on Sunday with my sister (her birthday party). Then, came home and walked with DH our 4 miles. I definately felt it the next day though in my legs!!

NikkiMouse's picture
Joined: 02/19/2015
Posts: 526

Nyxess wrote:
Does anyone have or use the FitBit? I'm wanting to start getting my butt in gear with some walking or running before our trip this year - and I've heard this name come up more often than not.

Has anyone tried it? If so - what has your experience been like?

I use the FitBit. I love it and it definitely keeps me on track when I am slacking. I do the little competitions between friends as a means to keep my butt in gear.


alicemouse's picture
Joined: 10/22/2013
Posts: 2832

Off to a good start this week. It has finally warmed up, so I ran for the first time in more than a month on Sunday. Then everything iced over, so our Monday morning run was a walk. Then tonight I got back out there and did another run. I'm happy with that as a start back to the running game! I haven't done more than 1.5 miles, but my pace is close to what I was running in the fall on that short distance. I have a lot of endurance to build back up after the winter slacker season, but this year is off to a better start than last year!


Be good at something. It makes you valuable. Have something to bring to the table because that will make you more welcome. --Randy Pausch

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Trip Reports:
December 2013: 10th Anniversary, 1st DVC Stay | April 2014: Birthday on the Boardwalk | May 2014: Star Wars Weekend, Navigating WDW with a wheelchair | August 2014: Villains Unleashed | September/October 2014: MNSSHP, F&W, Tower of Terror 10-miler | March/April 2015: Disneyland and California Coastal Cruise | November 2015: Wine & Dine Half, Food & Wine, 1st Disney Cruise | February 2016: Presidential Classic Gymnastics Meet | March 2016: "Work" Trip, Tours, F&G Festival | April 2016: Conference at Disneyland | Fall 2016: Festive Fall Fun | January 2017: Festival of the Arts | May 2017: AbD Backstage Magic | July 2017: AbD San Francisco | Sorry I had to give up doing trip reports. Too many time commitments right now.

93boomer's picture
Joined: 11/16/2013
Posts: 902

alicemouse wrote:
Off to a good start this week. It has finally warmed up, so I ran for the first time in more than a month on Sunday. Then everything iced over, so our Monday morning run was a walk. Then tonight I got back out there and did another run. I'm happy with that as a start back to the running game! I haven't done more than 1.5 miles, but my pace is close to what I was running in the fall on that short distance. I have a lot of endurance to build back up after the winter slacker season, but this year is off to a better start than last year!

Yayyy! Alice!! Keep it up!!

figgy's picture
Joined: 11/15/2013
Posts: 819

Mousedreaming wrote:
Nyxess wrote:
Well I finally did it... It took almost a decade since the last time I saw the inside of one... But I went to a gym! And ran my arss nearly three miles without wanting to die (which was nice!).

No pain or stiffness today, no back pain - which for me is huge - and generally feeling really positive about the whole thing! Pumped to head back again tomorrow Smile

yay Feels good, doesn't it?

You go girl!!!!!!!!!!!! clapping clapping clapping clapping clapping clapping clapping clapping


August 2016 here we come!

figgy's picture
Joined: 11/15/2013
Posts: 819

I finally found a few minutes just to say Hi and let you know all is well with me! Did 5 miles with Leslie this am and got out and went around my lake twice (2.5 mi each round) before the sky started to leak. I'm keeping in Disney shape hoping my life will slow down, just enough to let us get down this year. Not looking that way with my bff's baby and my father in law not well wheelchair 2016 is looking good so far so the fingers are crossed for a 4 week crazy road trip adventure! Hoping all is well with all of you muchlove muchlove muchlove muchlove muchlove muchlove Just keep swimming


August 2016 here we come!

Mrferret's picture
Joined: 03/02/2013
Posts: 1710

figgy wrote:
I finally found a few minutes just to say Hi and let you know all is well with me! Did 5 miles with Leslie this am and got out and went around my lake twice (2.5 mi each round) before the sky started to leak. I'm keeping in Disney shape hoping my life will slow down, just enough to let us get down this year. Not looking that way with my bff's baby and my father in law not well wheelchair 2016 is looking good so far so the fingers are crossed for a 4 week crazy road trip adventure! Hoping all is well with all of you muchlove muchlove muchlove muchlove muchlove muchlove Just keep swimming

Glad to hear the crazy Joisey girl is keeping well .Hope everythi g gets better for the little and older ones .



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